Saturday, March 24, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth in Newmarket/Aurora

So my wife and I have returned from our all but too brief vacation. The CC Writer (love Mitch Ryder) is relaxed and refreshed, and ready to fire-up my old blogging machine once again with a reinvigorated zeal. It has been said that zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools. I leave it to my peers on the blogosphere to be the final arbitrators as to which category The Cantankerous One falls into.

In the recent Conservative Nomination race in Newmarket/Aurora, Kirk West in my opinion, was the only person who fully understood the full magnitude of the task which lies ahead for any Conservative candidate aspiring to be elected in the riding. The next election will not be as simple as a Conservative candidate trying to unseat Belinduh Stronach, solely based upon ... one year of good Conservative governance ... a fairly reasonable "election budget" ... and a number of other "spread the goodies around" pronouncements. The Liberals have been doing that ad- nauseum for years. We're used to this kind of political schtick. Even the TV ads intended to define Stephane Dion as a person who lacks leadership qualities will not have much traction here.

What the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal's in the Newmarket/Aurora Conservative Party Association (NACPA) and in Lois Brown's Posse (LBP) have failed to do, is to fully understand the facts and implications of the federal voting history in this riding. History, rather than Belinduh is the real challenge. Let's take a quick look at just some of Elections Canada stats;

  • Since 1867 (140 years) Canada has only elected 17 federal Conservative governments.
  • 58% of those Conservative governments were elected before 1930.
  • Since 1930, Canada has only elected 7 Conservative governments in 77 years.
  • Newmarket/Aurora has sent a grand total of 11 Conservatives to Ottawa (much worse than the national average).
  • In 140 years, Conservatives have lost every single by-election in Newmarket/Aurora.

Those are just the facts Ma'm ... just the facts! Nothing to write home about eh, mes Amis!

How about some more facts? The Final National Percentages for the Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Election 2004, were;

  • Tony Clement 9%
  • Stephen Harper 56%
  • Belinduh Stronach 35%

You must admit that Belinduh had a certain amount of cache nationally. Now look at the Point Totals for Newmarket/Aurora;

  • Tony Clement 7%
  • Stephen Harper 37%
  • Belinduh Stronach 57%

It's almost a mirror opposite to the National stats. Whether you like or dislike Belinduh is immaterial because the facts clearly show that she is extremely popular in the riding, and more importantly, Belinduh is significantly more popular than Prime Minister Harper himself ... facts which are totally lost on Lois Brown.

How about some more facts? Belinduh first defeated Lois to secure the Conservative nomination and went on to defeat Liberal Martha Hall Findlay to become one of the only 11 elected Conservatives from Newmarket/Aurora during the past 140 years.

When Belinda crossed the floor and became a Liberal, she defeated Lois once again in 2006, and this time raised the Liberal vote count by 6,047 ... while Lois managed a whopping 558 vote increase ... oh my!

Last but not least, in 2006 in the Central Ontario Region, which consists of 11 ridings and is traditionally a Conservative region, the Conservatives took 10 of the 11 ridings, leaving only ... yes you guessed it folks ... Newmarket/Aurora to Belinduh and the Liberals. A result which I'm sure did not go unnoticed by Mr. Harper! Well maybe it did. During the nomination race Lois claimed to have the ear of the Prime Minister. I'm not sure whether she mentioned as to whether Mr. Harper was wearing ear muffs at the time or not.

Now the same old same old gang that couldn't shoot straight is riding back into town, determined more than ever to win the shoot-out at the Magna compound. The trouble is that the LBP have only 3 bullets in their rusted out chambers. Their first bullet is ... one good year of Conservative governance in a riding which has been a 140 year-old Liberal stronghold. Good thinkin' pardners!

The second bullet is Lois' community involvement. Lois.....Lois quit trying to sign-up more memberships ... pardon me ... no I'm not a member ... Lois, stop grinning and look at me for just one minute. Don't you think that if the folks in your riding gave a flying fadoo about your community involvement that you would have been elected a long time ago? The hard straight goods are that it only matters to the 190 or so who consistently show-up to back you everytime you run for nomination.

With the third bullet Lois claims that she is "taking back the environment for the Conservative Party". What the heck does that mean? Maybe I'm being a little unfair. Lois did in fact display her environmental intuitiveness by "co-operatively" building an environmentally friendly blue box float for the Aurora Christmas Parade, which was towed on a flat bed trailer by a truck spewing emissions into the atmosphere. The woman is totally daft! To characterize the LBP as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals is an insult to Neanderthals!

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that, after the dust settles after the next election, Belinduh will hand Lois her lunch ... once again! This time it will be cooked goose and Lois will be really Browned off!

PS: Isn't there a 3 strikes and you're out policy with the Conservative Party? Stiiiiiiiiiiirike 3 Lois! Thank Heaven for tender mercies.


Anonymous said...

Now that - as you insist - Belinduh - is out of the picture how about an update. Or has the cat bitten off your fact wagging tongue

Robert Otto said...

Sorry Mr. Gottlieb but I don't own a cat.