Monday, March 31, 2008

Hold your Noses, Here Comes the Fed Again!

The J.P Morgan Chase buyout of Bear Stearns stinks to high Heaven .... here's why!

  • The Fed says that Bear Stearns (BS) was headed for bankruptcy. How strange that Bear's officers and directors received billions of dollars in bonuses just before the sale to J.P. Morgan (JPM) ... what's that strange smell?
  • Then the Fed announces that they were going to open the discount window to Goldman, Lehman, Morgan and others. But guess what? Nobody at the Fed bothered t0 tell BS ... that strange smell is getting stronger!
  • If BS was about to get vaporized, why didn't the Fed offer the $30 million dollars directly to BS as opposed to backing JPM's purchase of BS for a pittance? The straight answer is that the Fed wanted BS to go down! .... that strange smell is now becoming overpowering.
  • New York Stock Exchange rules supposedly prevent any one from buying more than 20% of a company without a shareholder vote. JPM bought 39.5% of BS without bothering to talk to the shareholders ... now that strange smell has become a stench which is wafting towards the Heavens.
  • The Fed overstepped its legal boundaries .... what else is new! It did not provide liquidity to the banking system, but rather, it went far beyond that by putting up a $30 billion dollar non recourse loan to JPM to ensure the solvency of a non-bank entity. Bear Stearns is not a bank. It's an investment (excuse me while I guffaw) bank.... the stench is almost at the Pearly Gates.
  • FYI...FYI...FYI...FYI... J.P. Morgan is the Federal Reserves largest SHAREHOLDER!!!! Oh my, you don't think that there could be any connection here do you?
  • As I have documented in my previous posts, the Fed is neither Federal nor a Reserve ... it is in fact the biggest scam of all time! .... now their stench has definately risen higher than Heaven itself.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Did Billary Clinton Mispeak or Mislead?

Okay so it's my turn to take a "kick at the cat." Normally I would have just let this incident "go quietly into that dark night." But the more that I watched Billary's "cheshire cat grin" as she fielded questions about her Bosnia incident, the more cantankerous I started to become.

As you already know, last week Hillary stated that as First Lady, she and her entourage came under direct sniper fire upon landing at the Bosnia Airport in 1996, and that they all had to run. "with our heads down" to the safety of vehicles parked on the tarmac.

But news footage of the visit showed an apparently relaxed Billary greeted on the tarmac by a welcoming group that included an eight-year-old-girl. No evidence of snipers anywhere! Could this really be?

Then in a subsequent statement Billary said that the long grind of the presidential campaign had caused her to "misspeak" about the circumstances of the visit.

Billary said, "I made a mistake and, you know, I had a different memory. And you know, my staff and others have, you know, all kind of come together trying to sort it out." Well here's what I know Mrs. Clinton.

First things first!

  • To MISSPEAK means: to speak or pronounce incorrectly... as in "The actor misspoke his lines."
  • To LIE means: to give a false impression; anything that serves or is meant to give a false impression ... as in, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

Secondly, Billary uses as her defense, the long grind of the presidential campaign causing her to misspeak. In other words, "the devil made me do it" defense." Poor baby! A year on the road campaigning has worn her down to the point where sometimes she misspeaks.

So, to my cantankerous mind, the logical extension to her defense is that during the long 4 year grind as President we can expect "a whole lot of misspeaking going on." Oh what the heck, that only puts her on par with other presidents!

Thirdly ... do you believe for one New York second that the secret service would allow her plane to land in Bosnia if there was even the remotest possibility that it would come under sniper fire or any other potential threat. We're talking about the First Lady and her daughter here folks. (Duuuuh)! Don't you think that the various secret services would have swept and secured the perimeter long before the plane landed? And if, by some miracle, snipers were to have breached the perimeter, do you believe that Hillary and Chelsea would have been exposed to running across the tarmac with, as she claimed, bullets whizzing around their heads.

Item 4 ... Billary claims to have "a different memory" of the Bosnia incident....really! Let me ask you this folks. If someone was shooting at you and your daughter don't you think that the specifics of the incident would have been burned into your mind forever without any confusion?

Love the next comment. Billary went on to say; "my staff and others have, you know, all kind of come together trying to sort it out." This is interesting. What does "kind of come together" mean? You have either come together for a purpose or you haven't. You are either pregnant or you're not. Don't believe that you can be "kind of pregnant."

Notice that Mrs. Clinton states that it is her staff and "others" ... who are the others ...that have kind of come together. Why is Hillary not part of this "sorting-out" equation. Is this what America can expect from Billary as president, in terms of personal credibility, taking ownership, responsibility and leadership. When the proverbial s_ _ _ hits the fan will the clean-up be left to her staff and others to kind of come together and try to sort it out? Hmmmmm.

What is there to sort out? If her staff and others were on the trip to Bosnia then they would know exactly what happened. If they weren't, it's quite simple to identify who was on the plane with Hillary and Chelsea and determine what really happened.

It's not rocket science. Either they were fired upon ... or Billary was playing "meet and greet" on the tarmac, all the while grinning like a Cheshire cat!

Did Hillary Clinton misspeak or did she out-and-out lie? You connect the dots!

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Chinese Olympic Torch

Part of the Olympic flame's journey will take it through Tibet to Mount Everest.

The question is whether the journey will take place before or after the Chinese torch Tibet!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Disturbing "Goings-On" in Canada

ITEM: On Feb. 14/08 Canada and the U.S. signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each others borders during an emergency.

This deal was never presented to, nor approved by the U.S. Congress, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has kept complete silence on the deal. I don't recall this even being on the agenda of Canada's Parliament ... strange!

The only Canadian statement has come from Canada Command spokesman David Scanlon stating, "if U.S. Forces were to come into Canada, they would be under tactical control of the Canadian Forces but still under the command of the U.S. Military."

What kind of gobbeldy-gook double speak is this? Lucy, you got a lot of 'splainin' to do!

ITEM: Next year, on April 2009, there are plans to practice a terrorist-reponse drill in Vancouver led by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Code-named TOPOFF5, it will be conducted by Canada, the U.S. and Mexico ... oh my gosh if it isn't the 3 amigos of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) which proposes the joining of all 3 countries into a single North American Union by 2010 with a possible single currency tentatively called the Amero.

By the way, for those of you who still are not aware of the SPP, which is working towards the deep integration of Canada, Mexico with the U.S., visit the government SPP websites in all three countries. They are chock-full of information, as is the website for the Council on Foreign Relations ,... the prime mover and shaker for a one world government. These folks are making no secret as to what they are up to, so if one day you are caught by surprise, you have no one to blame but yourself.

YOU LOVE CANADA SO YOU NEED TO CHECK THE SPP FOR YOURSELF! There are literally hundreds of websites and blogs devoted to the SPP .... just Google it. The Alberta government SPP website is particularly interesting.

As usual, the Bushwhackers in Washington are moving ahead WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL. Prime Minister Harper seems to have become a cowboy as he moves ahead with the proposal without any dialogue whatsoever with Canadians! To be fair, I haven't heard a peep from Jack Layton or monsieur Dion either. And what about our "ami" Gilles Duceppe? Interesting ramifications for the sovereignty movement within the context of a 3 nation integration mais non?

Going back to TOPOFF5, does this mean that there will be American and Mexican troops on the ground during the Vancouver Olympics?

ITEM: The most recent audit by the FBI's inspector general documents the growth of FBI operations in Canada since 2001. It shows U.S. agents carrying out investigations without the approval of the Canadian Government.

The FBI has given agents in the Buffalo field office clearance to conduct "routine investigations" up to 50 miles into sovereign Canadian territory and it also says that about 30% of FBI agents crossing the border are doing so without Canada's approval.

Would it be fair to say that 70% of the crossings have Canadian Government approval? Why?

The inspector general's report documents 135 unapproved FBI crossings!

The FBI is a domestic agency mandated to operate within the U.S. Are they crossing Canada's borders because they are geographically challenged, or do they now consider parts of Canada to be domestic?

In view of rampant globalization and increasing talk of a one world government by governments around the world, perhaps these sort of activities are to be now expected. In my opinion they are nevertheless unacceptable and more than a little disturbing!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This Would Make Tony Soprano Proud!

Yesterday I reported that Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns were under criminal investigation.

Now the FBI has disclosed that criminal investigations have been launched against 17 companies in the fallout of the subprime mortgage collapse.

The FBI Criminal Investigation Division currently has 1,253 mortgage fraud investigations into all types of mortgage fraud and schemes around the country, including illegal property flipping, home equity schemes and check fraud cases.

Tony Soprano's Goodfella's "ain't got nuttin'" on this den of vipers on Wall Street!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some News about Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns and J.P. Morgan Chase

In February 2008 Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns were under investigation by the FBI and the SEC, as well as by the states of New York and Connecticut in the default of mortgage-backed bonds.

They are looking for criminal activity and insider trading in the packaging of subprime loans as securities.

Meanwhile the rumor persists on Wall Street and in Frankfurt, London and Paris that J.P. Morgan Chase has a $4Billion dollar loss on a derivatives trade coming very soon.

Now J.P Morgan Chase pays $2 a share ($270 million) to buy all of Bear Stearns - less than one-tenth the firm's market price on Friday. Only a year ago, Bear's shares sold for $170. The sale price includes Bear Stearn's soaring Madison Avenue headquarters.

The deal for Bear was done at the behest of the Fed and Treasury Department with the Fed approving a $30 billion credit line to help J.P. Morgan do the deal for the troubled firm, which was driven to the brink of bankruptcy by what amounted to a run on the bank.

Isn't it interesting that the Fed, which is a privately owned corporation (see my series: The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve. It is one of the Greatest Scams of Alltime!) was created by 7 men in 1910 at a highly secret meeting on Jekyll Island. Two of these men were; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company and Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan's Banker's Trust who 3 years later became the first head of the Federal Reserve System.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Have You Heard about Project Turquoise?

Project Turquoise is a share trading system which is backed by a group of the world's largest investment banks and allows transactions both on-exchange as well as in "dark liquidity pools" where firms offer to buy and sell large blocks of shares "out of public sight."

One of the many "movers and shakers" leading the charge toward "Exclusive Stock Markets" is Goldman Sachs - the guys who are joined at the hip with the Rothschild banking dynasty.

In May 2007 Goldman Sachs launched a platform allowing an exclusive club of big investors to trade unregistered privately placed securities ... a serious challenge to U.S. equity markets.

Private placement is a big deal amongst the psychopaths in Gucci suits on Wall Street because it provides an attractive alternative for companies that want to raise capital without having to honor the regulatory and disclosure requirements that come with a public listing.

In 2006, $162 billion of capital was raised through unregistered private placements, compared with $154 billion through IPO's which are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Under SEC rules, companies can sell securities without registering them as long as issues are limited to qualified institutional buyers with at least $100 million of assets and no more than 499 shareholders.

In 2007, Phillip Hylander, co-head of European Equities at Goldman Sachs explained it best ... "Project Turquoise is to be a hybrid that will incorporate a public order book and a non-public book. Project Turquoise will be an aggregator of dark pools."

How very Darth Vaderish!!!

PS: Precious metals and commodities are now the only place to be and all the pros know this, so they are looking to use Project Turquoise before the upcoming election to bail out of their huge paper positions into commodities.


Oh, and by the way, for all those who's mantra has been - Let The Market Decide - which market are we talking about? The visible one or the invisible one?