Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place of their Own Making.

This is where the U.S. government sits tonight. Whichever way Congress moves on the bail-out or as the spinmeisters are now labeling it ...the rescue package ... the fools on capitol hill will be facing their constituents in a no-win situation.

If they adopt the bail-out package, Congress will be accused of bailing out the Wall street psychopaths and sociopaths while sticking the American public with yet another Ponzi-scheme from the bankers.

If they don't adopt the plan and the credit markets freeze, sending the U.S. economy down the tubes, they will be blamed for that as well.

The fact of the matter is that Congress deserves its ultimate destiny. These pompous, self-serving, do-nothing, fat-cats sat on their collective butts and allowed this financial mess to happen. All of this mess could have been so easily avoided if THEY HAD DONE THEIR JOBS. If they had actually cared one iota about the American public whom they were elected to serve and not destroy!

Even the slightest amount of regulation and oversight could have prevented all of this. But no, the cowboys on the Hill completely and effectively deregulated Wall street allowing all of the corporate gypsies, tramps and thieves to excess America to death.

Tonight the Congress, Bush, Bernanke, Paulson, et al; continue their charades and theatrics. On the one hand Bush, Bernanke and Paulson are stating that a financial Armageddon will happen if the bail-out isn't approved.

On the other hand Congress appears to be balking. They claim that they need more time to deliberate the the implications and ponder alternative plans and modify the current proposal to make it more palatable to voters.

Forget about making your "solutions" more palatable to American's!!!!

Grow a back-bone and do what's right!!!! Quit rolling-over like little puppies every time some financial scum-bag or lobbyist offers you a bone!

If American's are left "holding the bag" for a mess which they didn't create, then every incumbant in Washington should be fired (voted out of office) because they did not do their job and as a result placed every single American in harms way.

Obama and McCain are right. Washington does need a change ... and that change should begin by giving every single politician their walking papers.

Palin Will Not file her Ethics Reports untill After the Palin-Biden Debate.

Sarah Palin received a 4 day extension on her federal financial disclosure report. Now her report will be due by Oct. 03/08, with the Federal Election Commission also stating that Palin could extend the due date even further - to Oct 06/08 if she requested still more time.

Trevor Potter, general counsel for the McCain-Palin campaign, told the Federal Election Commission that the campaign thought that it had until Oct 04/08.

Presidential, vice-presidential and congressional candidates must all file ethics reports outlining their assets and liabilities. That includes income, investment properties, stocks and debt.

As of now, Palin intends to release her disclosure report on the day AFTER her debate with Joe Biden in St. Louis. Hmmmmm!

Riddle me this Batman .... if John McCain filed his ethics reports before the deadline, then how on God's green earth could their be any confusion at all as to the due date of Palin's report?

Presumably Palin has a battery of accountants, lawyers etc., to complete these documents and ensure that they are submitted on time. It's not as though Sarah is sequestered in a log cabin somewhere in Alaska filling out these reports by the light of a kerosene lamp.

So my question is a very simple one. Is the Republican campaign so incompetent that they become confused by due dates, or is there more to this story than meets the eye? Stay tuned!

Just a thought .... if Sarah Palin and her people are incapable of submitting one single report to the American people on time because of apparent confusion by something as simple as a due date, then why would Sarah feel that she could help run an entire country without becoming confused?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

U.S. Election Junk Talk #2: from the Candidates, their Spin-Meisters and Hangers-On.


"Sarah Palin got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States."


In the 1996 mayoral election Palin garnered a total of 616 votes. In her 1999 re-election race she received 909 votes. My abacus tells me that over 2 elections Palin received 1,525 votes.

As you will recall Joe Biden dropped out of the race after the Iowa caucuses, but still received 76,165 votes in 23 states and the District of Columbia where he was on the ballot during the 2008 presidential primaries.

Palin with 909 votes ....... Biden with 76,165 votes ........ hmmmmmm!

CONCLUSION: Either he told one "doozie" of a lie, or poor Gov. Mike is severely mathematically challenged. I would hope that it was the latter!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

U.S. Election Junk Talk #1: from the Candidates, their Spin-Meisters and Hangers-On.


"We need change all right - change from a LIBERAL Washington to a CONSERVATIVE Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington. Throw out the big government LIBERALS, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."

THE FACTS: Newsflash Mitt - George "Wuh" IS A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN who has been president for almost 8 years, and those "looney Democrats" have only been in charge of the House and Senate since January 2007.

Question: So who exactly are those big government Liberals you want run out of Dodge?

Sorry ... you are the winner of the first annual TWITT Romney Award!

Friday, September 19, 2008

John McCain's McLying Game

Oh John, John, John ... you little maverick you! Big talk about wanting to be the new sheriff in town who has come to clean-up wild, wild Washington! Well giddy-up pardner!

It seems as though Sheriff John McCain, with his ten gallon hat and eleven gallon head, is not much different than the rest of those bad boys in Washington.

McCain started his campaign expressing his hope that the presidential campaign would not become sleazy. Well "holy talking out of the both sides of your mouth Batman." In fact, McCain's lies have traveled the full spectrum from annoying to the sleazy. Even the New York Times editorial board are calling John McCain a liar!

Let's check out some of the things which Sheriff McCain has said;

  • 38 million American's heard Obama say in his speech at the Democratic National Convention that he was open to off-shore oil-drilling and the building of new nuclear-power plants. Then McCain in his own acceptance speech said that Obama was opposed to both of these potential options. Perhaps not a lie and just a senior moment.
  • McCain is big on talking about supporting and protecting American workers. Yet Sheriff McCain supported the foreign buyout of an American company in Wilmington, Ohio which led to the loss of thousands of jobs.
  • McCain says that Obama favors a government-run health-care system ... another lie! In fact Obama wants a market-based system subsidized by the government whereby there would be increased government regulation of the drug and insurance industries.
  • McCain really turned sleazy when he ran a television ad claiming that Obama favored "comprehensive" sex education for kindergartners. In fact Obama favored a bill that would have warned kindergartners about sexual predators and improper touching. A big difference wouldn't you say?
  • Obama, in talking about McCain's effort to remarket his economic policies, said that it was like putting "lipstick on a pig" McCain then accussed Obama of referring to Sara Palin. My personal opinion is that if the lipstick fits ..........couldn't resist that cheap shot.
  • McCain is accussing the "elite media" for spreading rumors about Palin's personal life. In fact Palin rumors are originating in the blogosphere and the tabloid press.
  • McCain has been contrasting his ALLEGED FOREIGN POLICY EXPERTISE and toughness with Obama's inexperience and alleged weakness. McCain wants to "win" the Iraq war and face down the Iranians. Then a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The Iraqis said that they favored Obama's withdrawal plan, and surprise of surprises, Bush and the Boys started talking to the Iranians. So what does McCain do? He questions Obama's patriotism. saying that Obama would rather lose a war than lose the presidential election. HuH???
  • When the financial crisis blew-up in America's face this week, Sheriff McCain in all of his sartotial splendor and righteous indignation promised, that when he went to Washington as president, he would clean-up all of the gypsies, tramps and thieves on Wall Street through stringent government over-sight and increased regulations. The trouble is that over the years Sheriff McCain has been one of the biggest proponents of deregulating Wall Street. In fact, John McCain was an effective gog in the wheel which set the financial deregulation table in the first place so that the Wall Street psychopaths in their Armani suits could dine like kings ... only this week they are dining-out on the taxpayers tab!

These are but a few examples. John McCain's campaign has been a never ending series of demeaning ads and a daily dose of widely documented and exposed McLies! This from a man who claimed that this was the type of election campaign which he did not want to run in the first place.

In my opinion, John McCain has raised serious questions about whether he has the character needed to lead America out of its current difficulties and challenges.

When a military "hero" is prepared to lie and to wallow in the mud in order to become president, he is not the principled maverick which he claims to be, but rather just another part of the sorry, self-serving Washington crowd which he claims not to be a part of. And that is probably the biggest McLie of all!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Putting on a Brave Face but the FDIC is Quaking in its Boots!

I watched Sandra Thompson from the FDIC on CNN this morning assuring viewers that their deposits of up to $100,000 are "safe and sound" because they are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Well folks, here are the straight goods!

In actual fact, the FDIC has only ONE-CENT in reserves for every dollar that it is responsible for ... ONE PENNY ON THE DOLLAR! As of today, the FDIC is responsible for insuring $8.6 TRILLION DOLLARS OF YOUR MONEY! You do the math.

The FDIC lacks the capital to fully insure your money. If the banking system continues to crumble, the U.S. government will be forced to BAIL-OUT the FDIC with funds which the government DOES NOT HAVE!

They will have to create more debt by printing and selling more bonds to meet the demand, which will then become the obligation of American taxpayers. My gosh, what a surprise!

Since these bonds will be immediately monetized they will be highly inflationary.

The possibility of Washington Mutual (WaMu) joining the ranks of the bankrupt has the FDIC quaking in its boots. With WaMu being the nation's largest savings and loan, a bankruptcy puts $310 billion in assets at risk, making the FDIC liable for stepping up to the plate. The question is, will they even have a bat?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ron Paul says No to John McCain!

Ron Paul has rejected John McCain's appeal for his endorsement.

Paul said; "the idea was that he (McCain) would do less harm than the other candidate."

I must say that John McCain missed a golden opportunity to hold his tongue!