Sunday, September 21, 2008

U.S. Election Junk Talk #1: from the Candidates, their Spin-Meisters and Hangers-On.


"We need change all right - change from a LIBERAL Washington to a CONSERVATIVE Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington. Throw out the big government LIBERALS, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."

THE FACTS: Newsflash Mitt - George "Wuh" IS A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN who has been president for almost 8 years, and those "looney Democrats" have only been in charge of the House and Senate since January 2007.

Question: So who exactly are those big government Liberals you want run out of Dodge?

Sorry ... you are the winner of the first annual TWITT Romney Award!


Anonymous said...

While the President and VP are understandably the lightning rod for any criticism of the government, it is Congress that is responsible for what gets done. Democrat majorities in both houses have resulted in generally liberal policies, so Romney's comments make sense from that perspective.
As for G.W., he may be Republican, but has not represented conservative policies very well over the last 8 years, so even if Romney was thinking of Bush, his comments are not far off.

Robert Otto said...

Thanks for your comment Scott. If Romney's comments were made from the perspective which you suggest then why did Romney simply not say "throw those liberal DEMOCRATS out of Washington." Why the generalization of "liberals in Washington?"
Perhaps the words of Adlai Stevenson might be appropriate when he said ..."if you make a speech or write one, make it so clear and simply planned that no blockhead can misunderstand."