Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Papa Bush says ... Willie, you're all Wet!

So, on the BILLARY Presidential Campaign trail in South Carolina, slick Willie makes the statement that under Billary's presidency he, papa Bush and other notables would undertake a diplomatic mission to assure other nations that "America is open for business and cooperation again."

Papa Bush says .... uh? So one day later his chief of staff Jean Becker sends a statement to CNN stating that "he wholeheartedly supports the President of the United States including his foreign policy. He has never discussed an around-the-world mission with either former President Bill Clinton or Sen. Clinton, nor does he think such a mission is warranted since he is proud of the role America continues to play around the world as the beacon of hope for freedom and democracy."

Very interesting ... two former president's and two completely different stories. Seems that the Clinton's have had a lot of "he said - she said" moments throughout their careers.

Question - Mr. Clinton this wouldn't happen to be another "I never had sex with that woman" type of moment ... would it?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Slick Willy and H.W. will help Hillary clean-up George W.'s Mess!

CNN's South Carolina Producer Peter Hemby reports former President Bill Clinton as saying, this past Monday, that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she becomes President will be to dispatch him and former President George H.W. Bush on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by H.W.'s son George W.

Good God y'all !!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Cantankerous One has some Money Questions

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office estimates the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost $2.4 trillion over the next decade. Now hold on ... didn't realize that the U.S. was planning to fight these two small countries for another 10 years!!!! How long was WW2 anyway?

When President Bush took office January 2001 the U.S. national debt was $5.7 trillion. When he leaves office in January 2009 the debt is estimated to top $10 Trillion Dollars. Double the debt in 8 years ... good job!

The U.S. dollar is down about 35% in value since the end of 2001 against a basket of major currencies. I guess its time to dump the green-back, hurry-up the North American union with Canada and Mexico and start printing the new "Amero" currency!

According to the U.S. Treasury, foreign governments and investors now hold some $2.23 Trillion - or about 44% of all publicly held U.S. debt. That's up 9.5% from a year earlier .... folks, isn't anybody getting just a little worried that foreign governments are increasingly owning your butts?

The U.S. is borrowing Hundreds-of-Billions of dollars from China (the same guys you're outsourcing your jobs to and receiving in return lead-encrusted products) and OPEC (your friendly oil producing countries - some of which harbor terrorists - the ones that you're fighting the war on terror with). Same question ..... isn't anybody worried that countries that hold your debt will control your future? Or are we still focused on whether the Patriots will go undefeated this season?

The Democratic lead Congress just raised the government's debt ceiling from $8.7 trillion to $9.8 trillion so the government can borrow more money to keep it operating and to pay additional debt obligations. It is the 5th debt-ceiling increase since Bush became President ... oh my! I guess it's like MasterCard raising your credit card limit 5 times in 7 years.

And finally, 189 major mortgage companies have bit the dust. Third quarter house prices are off 4.9% year-over-year. The structured credit products market has collapsed. The Fed has been increasing money and credit for the past 4 years at over 10% annually. They are flooding the market with aggregates. Wall Street, banks and hedge funds are dangerously extended and have serious balance sheet problems. Falling interest rates and the injection of massive amounts of money and credit is steering the economy towards deep recession, depression and the very real possibility of the collapse of the entire financial system, which in turn will cause a global crisis. When that happens .... can anybody say ..... One World Government .... its a possibility .... I urge you to think about it!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Canada's Conservative Labour Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn apparently likes to Fly High

Here are some facts regarding our high-flying Labour Minister:

  • Blackburn spent almost $68,000 of Our Money for 14 aircraft rentals between April and August of this year. (almost $4,900 per flight)
  • 50% of these flights were between the airport at Gatineau Quebec near Ottawa and the CFB Base at Bagotville 200kms north of Quebec City. (almost $4,900 per flight)
  • Flight records show that Blackburn was the only passenger on most of these flights. (almost $4,900 per flight)
  • Not a single aircraft rental appears in Blackburn's travel expenses. This is a required public disclosure item. (almost $4,900 per flight)
  • Instead these expenses are listed in the Ministry's list of procurement contracts, alongside transportation services and information technology contracts ...... HUH? ....... WHY? (almost $4,900 per flight)
  • Well lookie here Mabel, the minister did disclose almost $20,000 of flights on commercial airlines under his own name.
  • Last May, the Canadian Press revealed that in 2006 this minister spent almost $150,000 of our money on rented planes.

Do we have a problem here?

Mr. Harper, is this acceptable to you? ........ Just wondering.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Boner for the Pentagon?

So here's the scenario. The U.S. Navy is running exercises between southern Japan and Taiwan.

Involved is the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk ... a 1,000 foot supercarrier with 4,500 personel on board. She is accompanied by at least a dozen American warships which are supposed to protect the carrier from hostile aircraft and submarines.

Part of the costly defensive screen usually also includes at least two U.S. submarines.

Everything is going along "just swimmingly" until an undetected Chinese submarine suddenly "pops-up" right smack dab in the middle of the exrcise ... haroh yankee boy ...within missle and torpedo range of the Kitty Hawk. Oh my!

According to senior NATO officials the U.S. had no idea that China's rapidly growing submarine fleet had reached such a level of sophistication.

Let me understand this .... with year-over-year multi-billion dollar budgets, satellites, interception of voice and data transmissions, spies, double-agents, triple-agents and God knows what other espionage gadgets and things that go bump in the night the U.S. and its allies use each and every single day to track the "goings-on" of other countries .... after all that .... the Pentagon still had no idea of China's level of naval sophistication? Wow!

Obviously someone has to walk the plank on this one. The only question is ... will it be Larry, Curly or Moe?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Big Oil and Governments Bend you over the Barrel

As I'm writing this post, oil is trading at $92.84 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Gasoline is near $3 a gallon in the U.S and $1.03 per litre in Canada. Meanwhile Exxon Mobil reported a $9.4 Billion (thats with a B folks) dollar profit for the last 3 months.

Here's why it's always your turn to be in the barrel;

  • The world's cheapest oil to extract comes from Saudi Arabia and costs $2 a barrel to pump out of the ground. The Saudi's, through their national oil company, produce over 8 million barrels per day which for the most part is off-limits to Western oil companies ... hmmm.
  • For Western oil companies it will cost between $5 to $7 a barrel for easily accessible oil. So let's say the cost is $7 per barrel.
  • Factor in capital costs, like building the pumping facility at several billion dollars a pop and that will typically add another $5 to $7 dollars per barrel. So for easily accessible fields it costs Big Oil $14 to get that liquid gold out of the ground.
  • For expensive fields like the Gulf of Mexico, Texas or the tar sands in Canada, the average production and capital cost is somewhere between $13 and $25 per barrel.

Now look out - here come the governments of the world. They have bequethed upon themselves the mantle of unrestricted taxation. Depending upon where you live on this planet, taxes and royalty payments can range from 40% of profits in the United States to over 90% in places like Russia or Libya.

Add to the mix the fact that there hasn't been one single new refinery built in the U.S. since 1976. As a matter of fact 50 have closed since the 1990's rather than making the necessary investments to comply with pollution laws. The net result are low gasoline supplies caused by a lack of refining capacity.

The domestic refining industry has continued to consolidate, allowing operators to avoid building new refineries, run existing ones at full throttle and thus causing many of the outages which have been experienced over the last few months.

Last but not least big oil companies refine more oil than they pump themselves. For example, Exxon refined 5.6 million barrels a day in the third quarter of 2007 .... but only pumped 2.5 million barrels a day. Chevron sold 3.5 million barrels a day of refined products ..... but only pumped 1.7 million barrels per day.

Mark Cooper, who is the research director for the Consumer Federation of America, said prior to a hearing by a House Judiciary Committee antitrust panel in Washington last May that Big Oil "have no interest in building spare capacity because that would undermine their pricing power." He went on to say at the hearing that "this is a picture of fundamental market failure," and that "Congress and the administration have stood by and done nothing to help consumers." "This is just mismanagement but they get away with it because their is no competitive discipline."

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is quoted as saying "There is near unanimity among economists that there is a concentration of power." The oil companies "have clearly demonstrated that they will abuse it."

To bring gasoline prices down in the short term, Cooper urged Congress to use its antitrust authority and investigate whether the refining industry has become too monopolistic. He also called for creating a strategic reserve to help ease price spikes when a refinery is taken offline.

I would urge Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada, to also address this extremely serious situation ... because at the end of the day ... the citizens of this great country, like the proverbial golden goose, can only lay so many golden eggs.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Does this mean that some Chinese Women can be referred to as (fill in your own joke) - Heads?

Used Condoms are being recycled into hair bands in southern China.

The China Daily newspaper reported that the condom hair bands have been found in local markets and beauty salons in Dongguan and Guangzhou cities in southern Guangdong province.

A bag of ten of the recycled bands sells for just 25fen (three cents).

The paper quoted a local dermatologist who gave only his surname as Dong ... (I know - condoms - dong - what are the chances) as saying that "despite being recycled, the hair bands could still contain bacteria and viruses." "People could be infected with AIDS, genital warts or other diseases if they hold the rubber bands or strings in their mouths while waving their hair into plaits or buns."

A government official was quoted as saying that recycling condoms was illegal.

I can think of at least 10 great one-liners as I'm sure you can ..... go crazy!

Smells Un-Fishey to Me !

In 2004 China became the leading exporter of seafood to the U.S. In 2005 Chinese imports rose by 14% and by a further 23% in 2006. So far, in 2007, they are up another 34% over 2006.

As a matter of fact, China is Number 1 in aquaculture in the world. Now for the nasty stuff!

Every year, 3.7 billion tons of sewage is discharged directly into China's rivers, lakes and coastal waters, some of which is used by the aquaculture industry. Only 45% of China has any sewage-treatment facilities, the worst in all of Asia.

Not only are the Chinese using contaminated water, but then the aquaculture industry crams as much fish and shellfish as possible into their facilities to maximize production. This generates additional large volumes of waste, further contaminating the already contaminated water. Then the Chinese try to control the spread of bacterial infections, disease and parasites by pumping the food supplies with antibiotics and the waters with pesticides. Mmm Mmm Mmm chemicalized fish ... sure am looking forward to dining at my favorite seafood restarant.

Many of the chemicals used by the Chinese are banned in the U.S. But traces of these chemical cocktails have been showing up increasingly in imports - especially from China.

Food & Water Watch in its report titled "Import Alert: Government Fails Consumer, Falls Short on Seafood Inspections." makes the point that, "In addition to potentially making people sick, overuse of such drugs is contributing to antibiotic resistance, a growing health concern in a variety of foods."

Meanwhile back at the ranch, what are the Dunces over at the FDA doing about this? As usual ... very little. They're having a real tough time cutting through the red tape that they always seem to wrap themselves in.

Beijing has put on their mantle of righteous indignation and is adamant that it is doing nothing wrong and characterizes warnings issued by U.S. officials as irresponsible, the exact same phraseology they used after the recent scare over toothpaste contaminated with diethylene glycol.

In that scenario, China's General Administration of Quality Supervision fumed that "so far we have not received any report of death resulting from using the toothpaste." "The U.S. handling of this case is neither scientific nor responsible."

Perhaps its true that no one died from the toothpaste but what about the 100 people who died after apparently taking cough syrup containing DEG, an industrial solvent used in paint and antifreeze ... another fine example of Chinese product quality!

As far as China's contention that its the big bad U.S. government who is being irresponsible? Thought you'd like to know that just recently the Chinese court decided to sentence their country's former top regulator to death ... hmmmmm!

Perhaps he will be executed by being forced to ingest the lead from all of the childrens toys which they're also exporting to the U.S. Now that would be responsible!

PS: Stop buying any product that is manufactured in China and see just how quickly they and all those greedy American corporations who are outsourcing their manufacturing to China get their sorry-ass acts together!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Robert's World for November 12/07

Mark Klein, a retired AT&T technician, helped connect a device in 2003 that he says diverted and copied onto a government supercomputer every call, e-mail and Internet site access on AT&T lines running through a San Francisco switching station. Hmmmmmm. Is AT&T the American Tattle Tale Company ..... just wondering.

How's this for a MORONIC quote? Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of national intelligence, testifying before a Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill said ... are you ready for this folks ...... "privacy no longer can mean anonymity. Instead it should mean that GOVERNMENTand BUSINESS properly safeguards people's private communications and financial information." Woooooooowwww! Holy brain cramps Batman! ........... Mr. Kerr, please put on your Dunce Hat and go stand in the corner!

Just one day after Dumocratic Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign confirmed that her Iowa political director Chris Haylor had approached Geoff Mitchell to ask a planted question as to how HC would be tough on President Bush about funding the Iraq war, another person has come forth with a similar accusation. In this one a female student at Grinnel College was approached by a person on Silary's campaign staff and asked to pose a planted question about global warning during a campaign stop at a biodiesel plant in Idaho on November 06. ........ Memo to HC's campaign staff: To those of you who thought that planting questions was a clever election strategy ... please don your Dunce Hats immediately and join Donald Kerr in the corner.

In a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. Poll, 53% of those surveyed said that most members of Congress do not deserve re-election, the highest figure since the question was first asked in 1991. Giddy-up .... it's time to clear the deadwood out of Dodge.

Some 250,000 Palestinians currently reside in Jerusalem. Since 1967, an average of 300 citizens a year have sought to obtain Israeli citizenship. But over the past 4 months alone the Interior Ministry has been flooded with 3,000 applications, primarily from residents of the Arab neighborhoods unlikely to remain under Israeli sovereignty after the upcoming talks later this month aimed at carving-up some more of Israel to keep the terrorists happy. This should speak volumes to the Palestinian Authority but me thinks that they're too pre-occupied with "wiping Israel off the map."

Ten schoolchildren in the UK are being tracked by RFID chips in their school uniforms as part of a pilot program. The chipped children are enrolled at Hungerhill School in Edenthorpe England, a school for ages 11-16, and this experiment is supposedly meant to simplify the school's behavioral reporting systems ..... sounds very Orwellian doesn't it? Hey kids ...... here is what you can do to totally mess-up these techno-control geeks ..... just ask someone to carry your shirt around the building while you're somewhere else.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's Time that the Religious Right had the Guts to Get It Right !

Our Congresses for the past 94 years, starting with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Act of 1913, have been nothing less than an absolute, total disgrace.

They have sold us into tax slavery, they have allowed the Fed to devalue our currency through inflation and to blatantly and incessantly cause panics, recessions and depressions as they rip off the US public over and over again, ad nauseam, they have shredded our Constitution in every way possible every chance they get, they have either authorized or condoned the slaughter of our children in an almost continuous series of wars under an ongoing policy of perpetuel war for perpetual peace and perpetual profits in order to line the pockets of trillionaire pigs who never have enough, they have stifled the moral outcry of our pulpits using the Income Tax to threaten their tax-exempt status if they speak out, and now they threaten to launch us into World War III over an issue that should have been settled 90 years ago.

We would have been better off with a dictatorship! Don't laugh, because that is where we are headed!

The leaders of the religious right need to pull their heads out of their butts and stop endorsing candidates because they might be pro-life and anti-gay marriage.

Their myopic and incredibly naive view of our world is something the Lord will hold them accountable for, because like the Pharisees, they have failed to discern the nature and the signs of our times or to distinguish between truth and lies.

They have foolishly allowed a pack of revening wolves wearing sheep's clothing to manipulate them by showering them with a plethora of contrived and worthless platitudes and by approving token actions on moral issues, actions that are taken solely for political reasons and not because of any underlying moral conviction.

They can't even get our s0-called Christian President to sign an executive order that would allow our military chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus without incurring the wrath of their superior officers. Why then does this executive order even need a debate and/or a petition of concerned citizens to get our "beloved", so-called Christian Commander-in-Chief to put it on his agenda?

Our narrow-minded Christian right talks about pro-life and anti-gay marriage platforms as if these were the only issues that mattered. What about honesty and integrity?

  • What about outright lies to Congress to get them to approve a war for profit?
  • What about traitorous false flag attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the murder of several thousand of our citizens and the baseless and continuing orchestration of a phony war on terror?
  • What about the slaughter of millions of Iraqi civilians and thousands of our soldiers and contractors to facilitate a grab for oil fields by an evil group of satanic trillionaires?
  • Is it pro-life to kill that many civilians for the profit of some of the most evil men that have ever walked the face of the earth, men whose lusts and perversity would make the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah blush?
  • What about the financial scandals, one-bid contracts, obstructed investigations into every manner of graft and corruption and the politicizing of our justice system?
  • What about the blatant invasions of our privacy and illegal wiretaps and data-mining of Internet and telephone service records?
  • What about a chief executive who thinks he is above the law, who has made the appendage of signing statements to the laws he signs into a form of art?
  • What about blowing the cover of one of our CIA agents because her husband dared to speak the truth about some phoney weapons of mass destruction?
  • What about the numerous homosexual pedophiles, child pornographers and sadomasochistic perverts who grace the halls of Congress and the White House, many of whom have been caught in the act of soliciting minors and Congressional pages for sex? Do you think they are anti-gay marriage advocates?
  • What about the male homosexual prostitute who has spent many nights at the White House?
  • What about the torture and the extraordinary renditions of innocent people and the suspension of their rights to habeas corpus, and the humiliation of prisoners, all authorized by the drooling perverts in our current shameless Administration?
  • What about the off-shoring and outsourcing of our jobs, the looting of our pensions, the destruction of our middle class, our economy and our currency, which will no longer be the reserve currency of the world thanks to the profligate policies of the current Administration?
  • What about the incessant and blatant lies about economic statistics and the illegal 24/7 manipulation of all our financial markets?
  • What about the failure to enforce our borders and our immigration laws so big business can have a ready source of slave labor?
  • What about the secret destruction of our sovereignty with a clandestine North American Union (with Canada and Mexico) which the current Administration is trying to sneak past us by stealth?
  • What about the War in Afghanistan to take over their opium poppy fields so the CIA can continue to fund their black operations, which are aimed at destrying our sovereignty?
  • What about all the laws which have just been passed which give our President dictatorial powers over our military and over our state militias if martial law is declared, or which allow our President to declare that people who protest against our government's actions are enemy combatants and are no longer entitled to the protections provided by our Constitution?
  • What about allowing evolution to be taught to the exclusion of God's creation? Have they ever done anything at all about this issue?
  • Have they done anything about banning abortion completely by overturning Roe vs. Wade? Have they supported any states that have tried to do either of these things?
  • Did they fight hard enough to get federal judge appointees of the President confirmed, or did they just make the appointments to make you happy and then not follow-up?
  • Do you think we should stop with a ban against partial birth abortion?
  • Have they passed any laws, which in any way discourage gay marriage or civil unions or have they supported any states that have tried to do this?

And finally ............ what do you think about a President who thinks that followers of Mohammed, who use the Koran, worship the same God as Christians and Jews, who use the Bible? Wow, the depth of his Christian understanding is nothing less than profound!

The above is an excerpt from an article written by Bob Chapman who is the Publisher of The International Forecaster newsletter ( a compendium of information on business, finance, economics, social and political isues and espionage/intelligence gathering. Mr. Chapman has also served in the U.S. intelligence community.

This article gave me pause to think. I hope that it will do the same for you.

Welcome to the United States of Islam

In his book "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans - to a Jew!" WND's Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein asked mideast terrorist leaders to describe life in America if al-Qaida won the war.

Are you ready? Here's goes .... and you thought our politicians were three fries short of a Happy Meal!

  • all American women must cover their hair because uncovered heads are a form of nudity. Those women who refuse may be stoned.
  • all Jews and Christians would need to pay a special Protection Tax.
  • special taxes for all non-Muslims, including one for the right to cultivate land, but as a non-Muslim you cannot own land.
  • no new Churches or Synagogues could be built. Existing ones can remain but services cannot be conducted loudly or in any public fashion.
  • the ringing of church bells or blowing of the Jewish shofar would be forbidden.
  • Prostitution is punishable by 100 lashes. If the prostitute is married then he or she will be stoned to death.
  • prostitution by Islamic definition doesn't mean the selling of sex but rather all extramarital sexual relations.
  • a man will be allowed to marry 4 women.
  • a thief will have his hand cut off.
  • all alcohol is banned.
  • American movies and television would be shut down.
  • American media outlets that don't conform to disseminating Islanic messages will be closed.
  • music videos will be banned and according to The Committee's Abdal-El ... "these whores Madonna and Spears will be thrown in jail until they admit they made sins and return to the moral way. If they don't, they will be stoned to death or 80 times hit with a belt."

Just a few excerpts from Mr. Klein's book.

Good God Y'all ! ..... The Wicked Mr. Wilson Pickett

A little bit of This and a little bit of That

The odds on Ron Paul becoming President have been cut from 66:1 to 12:1 and have him going head to head with Rudy Guiliani for the Republican nomination.

It suddenly struck me the other day just how apropos the party logos for the Republicans and Democrats are. One is a jackass and the other Dumbo the elephant.

Big Blu is a 30,000lb massive ordinance penetrator and is referred to as the Mother of All Bombs. Well boys and girls, the U.S. airforce has just asked Congress for $88m to equip B2 stealth bombers with racks strong enough to carry the bomb.
According to the air force this is an "urgent operational need from theatre commanders."
John Pike a defence expert at the think-tank says that the request for Big Blu has "bombing Iran written all over it."

The U.S. is building a forward base named - Combat Outpost Shocker - just 5 miles from the Iranian border.

Notice the gradual ratcheting-up of rhetoric to acclimatise everyone to the threat of war. The mantra among the dweebs in Washington these days is - "Iran is the new Iraq." Rah Rah Sis Boom-Bah!

The nuclear aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, its strike force and two smaller helicopter carriers, the USS Wasp and USS Kersage, which are marine amphibian assault craft have been taking part in an American Persian Gulf exercise since November 2nd.
This on the heels of Iranian General Ali Fahdavi stating that his forces are ready to strike and block oil traffic through the Straits of Hormuz.

Apparently there are rumours in the intelligence community of a false flag operation that is being planned for either Long Beach or Houston. Apparently it will be a detonated device. Another 911 type scenario to inflame Americans and win their passionate support for the bombing of Iran.
Just a rumour ... let's see if it plays out.

Here are the latest terrorist stats.

  • The U.S. has 775,000 suspected terrorists on their terror list.
  • 53,000 have been questioned since 2004. What's happening with the other 722,000?
  • 269 have been denied entry into the U.S. .... that's it?
  • No stats on how many have been renditioned. Wonder why?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger - who now truly is the Girly Man?

Gov. Arnold Scharzenegger signed a new "anti-discrimination" bill (SB777) into law.... should have been introduced as bill SB666.

Under the new law schoolchildren as young as kindergarten will be sexually indoctrinated and introduced to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.

The law now bans in school texts and activities any discriminatory bias against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles. It prohibits "instruction" or "activity" that is perceived to "promote a discriminatory bias" against gender, including cross-dressing and sex-change operations as well as sexual orientation.

California textbooks will no longer be able to use words like "mother and father" and "husband and wife" because they suggest that hetrosexuality is the norm ... holy brain-cramp batman, to think how discrimatorily biased I have been all these years to think that all of those hundreds of millions of married men and women raising their children was the norm! Gee thanks Awnold for setting things straight. Sorry, I mean not straight.

Teachers and students who oppose same-sex marriage and suggest homosexuality isn't innate, or disapprove of cross-dressing and sex-change operations, could be disciplined as "harassers."

Also, if a male perceives himself as a female, "he must be granted access to female locker rooms and restrooms. He must be allowed to participate in female sports activities. With this provision of SB777 me thinks a lot of straight guys will suddenly be perceiving themselves as females.

If the student wishes to keep his sexual status from his parents, the teachers and administration must refer to the masculine pronoun (him/he) when talking to his parents and use the feminine pronoun (she/her) at school.

The Capitol Resource Institute opposes this Bill and has filed the SB777 referuendum with the attorney general seeking to bring it before the people of California for a vote.

A board member for the homosexual advocacy group Equality California verbally attacked and threatened CRI for its opposition to the bill. He/she sent an e-mail and video to CRI threatening the group would be buried if it continued efforts opposing the homosexual advocacy.

The Gay-Straight Alliance Network and the Transgender Law Center also warns schools against bringing parents into any discussions pertaining to their children joining the group that matches their "gender identity" the closest.

Darn Martha, there's just too much sun in California. And hey Awnold....when you said "I'll be back" I hope that refers to your imminent return to Austria!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Warning letters delivered to Jewish families in Iran.

Captioned: Danger! Danger! Danger! ...... thousands of letters have been sent to Jewish families living in Iran telling them to try and reach the West with all possible speed. The anonymous writers warn that Iranian Jews like the rest of the population face grave danger from impending events.

The letters are unsigned and are postmarked from private addresses in different towns in America and Europe, apparently so as not to raise the suspicions of Iranian security forces.

But some were "discovered and confiscated" causing Tehran now to accuse Israel and "world Zionist governments" of a scare campaign against its Jewish citizens. Hmmmmmm.!

The Signs signaling the Arrival of the Muslim messiah.

The signs that, according to Islamic fundamentalists, will signal the arrival of the Mahdi and the time when "every creature" worldwide will supposedly "bow before Allah" and declare that "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet" are as follows;

  • War
  • Greater Materialism
  • Decrease in knowledge of religious things
  • Men outnumbered by women
  • Acid Rain
  • Increased illegitimacy
  • Mothers Ignored
  • Rampant Homosexuality
  • Increase in Female Singers
  • Dancing into the Night
  • Taller and taller Buildings
  • Women in the Workplace
  • Women will look like Men and Men like Women
  • Women will not bear Children
  • Increased Earthquakes
  • Time will seem Shorter
  • Smog
  • People will prefer Death to Life

Just passing along the info.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Memo to: John Laschinger, Ontario PC Campaign Manager

Dear Mr. Laschinger,

After managing Mr. Tory's campaign, perhaps it's time to consider retirement to a luxurious condo in Jurassic Park.

What's the Story about the Tories Mr. Tory?

For the first time in a long time the Ontario Provincial election was a non-event.

There were no overiding issues, other than DUHlton's litany of broken promises ... quelle surprise for a politician! There was no public anger and no juicy scandals. The policy platforms for all parties were perfect for those of us who expected very little and thus were not disappointed.

The party Leader's debate convinced me that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.

Where was the feistiness, the dust-ups, the drama, nasty TV ads, Camelot promises, point - counterpoint, rhetoric oozing with righteous indignation. When did we see the party leaders fighting for the hearts and minds of Ontario voters? This election had all of the suspense of an economist attending a cost-accountants convention.

In my opinion, the only thing that this election clearly demonstrated was the truly bad judgement on the part of the Tories. Talk about an election-killer. Which brain trust made the decision to slap the funding of faith-based schools on the table and why? Where the heck did that one come from? Did I miss the electorate caring enough about this one to even make it an election issue?

Then Mr. Tory decided to run in a riding which was risky at best. Once again why and to what purpose?

You would think that Mr. Tory's lengthy experience in the political backrooms and corporate boardrooms would have produced an acumen and judgement more worthy than what was presented.

Now that the Tories are relegated once more to the opposition benches, the door has now been opened, albeit just a crack, to a certain element within the party to begin questioning whether John Tory can ever lead the Tories to the promised land. And John Tory will have to decide whether he is prepared to spend another four years in opposition.

You can always Bomb your way into Heaven!

The bottom line in the battle between darkness (the Infidels) and light (the Muslim's) centers around the Islamic belief that there MUST BE an APOCALYPTIC event that will usher in the second coming of the Islamic messiah, the Mahdi.

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to be the guy who ushers in the second coming of the TWELFTH IMAM or MAHDI through nuclear war.

The followers of the twelfth Imam (the Mahdi) are referred to as the "Twelvers" and number over 10 million. The theology being taught by the Twelvers in madrassas in Iran is this;

  • If a suicide bomber commits an act of martyrdom, they will feel neither pain nor fear.
  • The suicide bomber believes that either he or she will not die. Unlike their fellow countrymen whose souls, when their physical body dies go into the ground to await resurrection, the suicide bombers believe that they go directly into paradise.
  • Once in paradise, a crown of glory with the jewel of the wealth of the world is placed on the head of the martyr.
  • They believe that they will be given 72 mansions.
  • These mansions will be inhabited by 72 black-eyed virgins.
  • The martyr is taught that he will be invited to a wedding. I'm not sure as to whether this means that he is marrying the virgins or whether this refers to some other kind of wedding.
  • Another teaching is that the shedding of the blood of the martyr will atone for the sins of 70 of their relatives, thus exempting them from hell.

Just a little insight from one infidel to another!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Was A'jad's UN Speech a da'awah?

A da'awah means "summons" or an invitation to non-Muslims to submit to Islam. The da'awah is a Muslim obligation that should be fulfilled before war can be "justly" waged.

In reporting on Ahmadinejad's UN speech, the world press, as is par for the course in my opinion, couldn't see the forset for the trees. Their preoccupation with A'jads not so subtle "Bush Bahing", his vilification of Israel and of America, and A'jad's statement that as far as he was concerned the dispute over his country's nuclear program was "closed" caused the ink-stained wretches to miss what I believe was the most important statement in the whole speech.

It is my opinion, while standing centre stage, in that completely disfunctional and almost irelevant entity known as the UN, Ahmadinejad delivered his da'awah to the world.

Do yourselves a favor. Google his full text speech and take the time to carefully consider his words. I've listed some excerpts which I believe support my position.

Normal official communications by Muslims begin with, "In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful."

Well A'jad did start his UN address in this manner, but now look at the next line is in his speech;

"Oh God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attend to his rightfullness."

Please read my previous blog as to the importance of Imam Al-Mahdi to the Muslim faith and what the trigger must be in order for him to reappear on planet Earth!

Here are additional statements made by A'jad which I believe further support my position;

  • "Striving in this way to surrender rule to the righteous and Perfect Human (Imam Mahdi), the Promised One, is indeed the final cure for the wounds of humanity, the solution of all problems, and the establishment of love, beauty, justice and a dignified life all over the world."
  • "Without a doubt, the Promised One who is the ultimate Savior, together with Jesus Christ and other holy Saviors, will come. In the company of all believers, justice-seekers and benefactors he will establish a bright future and fill the world with justice and beauty."
  • "This is the promise of God; therefore it will be fulfilled."
  • "Let's play a part in the fulfillment of all this glory and beauty."

I don't know about you .... but this sounds an awful lot like a da'awah to me!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Only Thing That Ahmadinejad Wants is to Change Your World!

He's a zealot ... he wants a truly fundamentalist Shia Islamic regime in Iran ... he believes that Israel is a "disgraceful stain" that must be "wiped off the map" ... and he believes that America is the great Satan whose time has come to either bow to Islam or die!

He claims that when he addresses world leaders that he is bathed in a divine aura that prevents those watching him from turning away, or even blinking. This is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the scariest man on the planet and without a doubt one of the most dangerous ... and all that he really wants to do is to rock your world to the core!

Ahmadinejad wants a war with Israel and America and the more apocalyptic the better. Sound farfetched? Let me make the case.

The Iranian president is a follower of an ultra-orthodox messianic branch of Shia Islam. According to this tradition, the Prophet Mohammed had 12 descendants through his cousin, Ali ibn Talib. The final descendant, Mohammed al-Mahdi, known as the Imam Mahdi, or the hidden Imam, or the Lord of All Ages, was concealed by God and disappeared. He will reappear at a time of apocalyptic chaos and war so as to ascend to his rightful place of leadership, at which time, every individual regardless of their religious belief would bow to Islam or die.

Muslims believe that Jesus Christ will then return to a mosque in Damascus. He will slaughter all pigs, destroy all crosses and embrace Islam as the one true religion.

According to Muslim belief, Jesus and the Imam Mahdi will join forces to fight and destroy the Muslim "Antichrist" or Daijal. Interestingly enough there are those among Islam's adherents who belive that George Bush is the Daijal and Osama bin Laden the Mahdi (Islamic messiah).

Following their victorious battle, Jesus and the Mahdi will cause the world to be under shariah or Islam rule of law and Jesus will tell all Christians that Islam is the one true religion.

After the defeat of the Daijal, the sound of a trumpet will be heard around the world, a series of natural catastrophies will occur and the earth's inhabitants will be slain, only to be resurrected to stand before Allah to be judged.

This is exactly why Ahmadinejad wants nuclear capability. He believes that an apocalyptic nuclear war will bring their Messiah, the Mahdi, "out of hiding" who will then subject all survivors to Allah.

Mahmoud wants to be "the man," the "go-to- guy" who ushers in the Hidden Imam, for he believes this to be his divine mission according to the will of Allah.

By the way, according to some intelligence sources, Ahmadinejad goes off every week or two to commune with the Hidden Imam to get his instructions. Oh my!

It's Today or Tomorrow!

During a government press conference this past Wednesday, Iranian government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham promised that "supporters of the Zionist regime will receive their response" during the world Quds Day's rallies.

Quds (Jerusalem) Day is held each year on the last Friday of the Islamic month of Ramadan. That day is October 12th and Iran is promising a devastating "final response" to supporters of the Jewish State.

Depending on where in the world you are reading this blog this so called "final response" is promised for today or tomorrow.

Remember that the scuttlebut is that Iran could be attacked as early as this Saturday (October 13th).

Major General Yahya Rahim-Safavi stated on Tuesday that Iran would retaliate should their nuclear facilities be attacked. He was quoted as saying that "the enemy will face strong armed forces especially the Basij (suicide bombers and child soldiers) if it unleashed a military attack on Iran." He claims that the Basij army has 20 million members.

Stay tuned!

Attack on Iran could be Imminent!

The French weekly Le Canard Enchaine has reported details of an alleged Israeli-U.S. plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

According to the report, Russian President Putin has told Tehran that "they're going to bomb you!"

Apparently the attack against Iran's nuclear facilities is planned for October 15, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In a joint U.S. - Israeli operation, Israel would strike the first targets while the U.S. would hit with a second wave of strikes.

This report does appear to tie-in with my blogs; "Why have Russian Nuclear Engineers and Experts suddenly left Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant?" and "There's Kind of a Hush all over the Middle East" where I put forth the London Telegraph's suggestion that the Israeli strike into Syria in September was in part to test the new Russian-made air defense system because Washington was extremely interested in seeing a live-fire demonstration.

Saudi foreign minister, Prince Said al-Faisal has also told reporters in New York that an attack on Iran might be imminent.

It must be noted that the French newspaper article was based on unnamed sources.

A Palestinian Cartoon Prays that Allah will Kill Americans

Julie Stahl the Jerusalem Bureau Chief for (Cybercast News Service) reports that a cartoon published in an official Palestinian Authority newspaper shows a Muslim man calling on Allah to kill Americans.

Apparently the cartoon shows a Muslim man kneeling before a U.S. fighter jet with his prayers enclosed in four missles aimed at the jet.

He prays "Allah scatter them!" "And turn their wives into widows!" "And turn their children into orphans!" "And give us victory over them!"

Perhaps Herbert V. Prochnow, Sr. was right when he said, "the trouble with the world is that there are too many clowns who aren't in the circus."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Why have Russian Nuclear Engineers and Experts suddenly left Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant?

On October 1, the Khorramshar News Agency reported that the entire staff of Russian nuclear engineers and experts employed in building the nuclear reactor at Bushehr suddenly, and without warning, left the facility on September 28 to fly back to Russia.

Could it be that Moscow or Tehran have been tipped-off about an imminent attack by Israel or the US on the plant and so the Russians were taken out of harms way?

Or could it be that Moscow has learned about an imminent Iranian pre-emptive strike against Israel and/or US targets in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region?

At this point these two scenarios are only speculation on my part. But the fact that the entire Russian crew was whisked away so quickly, and without an apparent explanation, from the nuclear facility would strongly suggest that Moscow has assessed a potential danger to its people.

This one bears close watching!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Deal or No Deal?

So the Russians are trying to sell $750 million worth of radar equipment to Iran for the protection of its nuclear facilities.

Meanwhile the Iranian's are saying .... "Hold on a moment you Russian infidels. Is this the same system that you foisted on the Syrian's? The one that the Israeli Air Force was able to jam on its way to taking out a Syrian military installation last month?"

So now the Iranian's are suddenly not all that impressed with the technology being offered up by their comrade budskies because they have quickly realized that Israel could strike them through Syrian air space.

They're also not liking the speculation that is now going on amongst many analysts that an American strike might even be led by Israeli forces.

Deal or no deal? Oh my the dilema of multiple choice.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Drums of War in the Middle East - No:1

1. The Daily Telegraph in London is reporting that the U.S. Airforce is working with military leaders from Persian Gulf States to train and prepare Arab air forces for a possible war with Iran.
Pentagon officials have helped set-up a warfare center in the United Arab Emirates where Gulf Nations are training their fighter pilots and America has large-scale bases. The center is modeled on the USAF warfare center at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.

2. Israel Radio reported that on Monday Iran threatened to attack some 170 American targets in the Middle East and around the world if it's attacked by Israel or the U.S.

3. According to Reuters, Israel confirmed on Tuesday that its airforce carried out a strike inside Syrian territory on Sept 6/07. However Israeli military censors continue to censor all other details.
Diplomats in Damascus say that at least 4 Israeli warplanes crossed deep into Syria during last month's operation.
Syria and Israel are formally at war. Peace talks collapsed in 2000 over the scope of an Israeli pullout from the Golan Heights.

4. The Times of London reported Tuesday that Russia has sent technicians to upgrade Syria's air defense system after Israeli electronic warfare systems allowed Israeli warplanes to attack a target in Syria last month.

5. According to foreign media reports, the Israeli airstrike apparently targeted a North Korea-built nuclear facility in northeastern Syria. Syria and North Korea have both vehemently denied any nuclear co-operation.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mahoud; they're Ramping-up for War ... but then that's what You Want ...isn't it?

A senior Bush administration official told Fox news that "everyone in town" was discussing the costs and benefits of a military assault on Iran within the next 8 to 10 months.

Fox also reported that one foreign diplomat has stated that the Bush Administration "has just about had it with Iran."

It has also been reported that U.S. officials believe that finding a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear ambitions has failed and they have advised Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that a military intervention of some sort is necessary.

China is obstructing the diplomatic process at the UN Security Council and the Russian Bear is dancing right along, albeit in the shadow of the Chinese ... oh my, what a great surprise!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will no longer support further sanctions against Iran by the United Nations Security Council. But apparently Germany would "privately welcome while publicly protesting" a U.S. bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities ... a gutless, two-faced move on the part of "za Fahderland."

Meanwhile the Pentagon has formulated a plan for a "three-day blitz" to annihilate the entire Iranian military, targeting 1,200 sites using rapid and overwhelming force.

In late August, President Bush stepped-up his rhetoric saying that Tehran had put the Middle East "under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust."

In my opinion this is exactly what Mahoud Ahmadinejad wants! I'll tell you why in an upcoming blog. Look for ... "All that Ahmadinejad wants is to Change the World!"

Sunday, September 30, 2007

These Rabbi's are Three Fries Short of a Happy Meal!

In 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened to "wipe Israel off the map."

Then in August of 2007 he declared that the Jewish State is "the standard bearer of Satan," and would soon fall apart.

Also in in August 2007 the Iranian President said that "there is no way for the salvation of mankind but the rule of Islam over mankind."

Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iranian ayottollahs have referred to the United States as "the Great Satan" and Israel as "the Lesser Satan."

Last week, while staying in the Intercontinental Hotel in New York, Ahmadinejad spent an hour with a group of rabbis, all of whom in my opinion are three fries short of a happy meal! They belong to an organization named Jews United Against Zionism.

The rabbis presented the Iranian President with a silver fruit bowl engraved with the message ... "We present this as a token of our appreciation for your sweetness and love of the Jewish people and all mankind."

Rabbi Yisrael David Weiss stated to award-winning journalist Michael D. Evans that Ahmadinejad likes the Jewish people; but that Zionism is an evil concept. He said that Ahmadinejad was not anti-Semetic and that he only wanted to get rid of Zionism and the State of Israel.

Duuuh? With all due respect Rabbi Weiss, it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

There's Kind of a Hush all over the Middle East

On September 6, 2007 five Israeli fighters struck Syria.

Moderate Arab states were unusually quiet in the aftermath as were international players who are usually quick to condemn any act of Israel which they view as aggressive.

Israeli officials are neither confirming nor denying the target or the purpose for the strike and apparently there's a state imposed "silence" on the matter.

International observers see several key messages:

  • Israel was able to strike at Syria without suffering any military or diplomatic consequences.
  • Israel will take steps to prevent other countries in the Middle East from obtaining nuclear capability.
  • If a Syrian nuclear installation can be targeted by Israel without any international outcry what does that say for Iran?
  • The London Telegraph is suggesting that the strike was carried out with Washington's blessing, in part as a test of the new Russian-made Pantsyr air defense missle systems recently purchased from Moscow by Damascus. Since Iran is also equipping itself with the Pantsyr air defense system, the Telegraph speculated that the U.S. was extremely interested in seeing a live-fire demonstration.
  • The New York Times speculated that the real reason for the raid was to get intelligence on a number of suspected nuclear facilities Israel believes have been sponsored by North Korea.
  • The Kuwaiti daily, al-Jareeda is reporting that Israel's target were unnamed Syrian missle batteries that were brought to Syria from Iran.
  • Haaretz reported that U.S. government and military sources said they were "happy to have Israel convey to both Syria and Iran the message that they can get in and out and strike when necessary."

It's time to start connecting the Middle East dots because the current hush in the Middle East is about to become a roar.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kwik Hits - #1

The average American family has $3,800 cash dollars in the bank ... no retirement account whatsoever ... owes $90,000 on their mortgage ... and owes $7,200 in credit card debt. The average American consumer is in "deep puckey" due to personal debt levels.

Consumer expenditures are currently running at 72% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) .... that's 72%!!!!! This is a number that has never ever been reached at any time in modern history by any nation on the planet ... can you say economic unsustainability?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Washington's not so secret Secret

Bill Gertz, the Washington Times' top military investigative reporter and publisher of his own subscription based intelligence website, "Geostrategy-Direct" is reporting that his military sources in the Pentagon are saying that the US has completed preparations for war against Iran.

Dubbed "Prompt Global Strike", some of the preparations, include;

  • conversion of B-2 bombers to carry up to 80 500-pound Joint Direct Attack munitions.
  • conversion of 4 Trident nuclear missle subs, each carrying 150 sub-launched cruise missles, providing enough firepower to attack 600 targets with multiple missle salvos.
  • Aegis cruisers have been upgraded.
  • the first F-22 advanced fighter bombers have been deployed.
  • fielding a new 15-ton deep penetrating bomb that is designed to attack deeply buried and fortified targets, like Iran's nuclear facilities.

Getz quotes one top US military officer who said that the window of opportunity to take out Iran's nuclear facilities is closing fast and that after the autumn of 2007 (coming up fast) Iran's capability to retaliate will increase as the 2008 presidential election season begins by the start of next year.

Hold on to your hats ... the potential for something nasty to hit the proverbial fan is a definate possibility!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The U.S. Greenback is in Big Trouble!

The U.S dollar and bond markets are now in serious trouble! This week's Fed figures showed a collapse in U.S. bond purchases by foreign central banks. In July they fell from $97 billion to only $19 billion.

America desperately needs foreign capital flows to cover the current account deficit which is expected to reach $850 billion this year, or $3.4 billion a day. If the foreign central banks continue to back-off from buying Treasury and Agency paper, the Fed will be forced to step into the breach and buy it themselves and that means much higher inflation. Foreign central banks have been funding 30% of America's debt so far. If you pull them out of, or reduce their involvement in this equation, you've got big trouble in little China.

The flight from the U.S. dollar has already begun. Iran has massively cut its dependence on the dollar and now 70% of its foreign assets are in euro's, other currencies and gold.

60% of all oil exports are now in euro's.

For the first time ever, Saudi Arabia refused to cut interest rates alongside the Fed, signaling that they are preparing to break with the dollar which could very easily set off a stampede out of the dollar and into the euro right across the middle east. European countries as well as Japan are "dumping their dollars" to buy American businesses in order to cut their losses.

U.S. bankers via two deep interest cuts are putting the nail in the dollars coffin. Their short term solution will push up long-term interest rates, which in turn will drive up mortgage rates and drive real estate into a deeper crisis.

Money and credit creation will increase which in turn will bring hyperinflation. which will create a major recession which then can very easily spill over into a depression.

The U.S. dollar is collapsing, and as it does, so will consumption. And as all of this witches brew boils and bubbles, the end result will be that the U.S. dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency and America's dominance in all world affairs will be diminished.

For all those who laughed when knowledgeable people were, and still are, predicting a one world government with a one world currency ... I've got a sneaking suspicion that all of that laughter is about to come to a screaching halt.

Let's be Fair to Duhlton McGuinty!

Much has been made by John Tory and Howard Hampton about the all too many promises which were made by Duhlton in the last election and then broken.

Say it isn't so Duhlton! Please tell us that perhaps you were misquoted or even taken out of context. Please explain to us that your intentions were honorable but you were unable to be a man of your word because every Conservative and NDP Premier in the entire history of this great Province had bungled things so badly that you were UNABLE to keep your promises!

Canadian's are a fair people, and in that spirit of fairness I would like to give you the opportunity to explain to us the promises which you were able to keep.

I know that you are a busy man these days. Respecting your time constraints I would appreciate if you could summarize just 10 promises which you have made and kept during the last election campaign and or as Premier of Ontario .... only 10!

Duhlton McGuinty
  1. I
  2. I
  3. I
  4. I
  5. I
  6. I
  7. I
  8. I
  9. I
  10. I

Take your time!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wuz up Wuh?

Just a couple of things percolating in my cranium after discovering the following tidbits.

  • For every dollar spent in the U.S. declassifying documents, the government spent $185 to conceal documents. It cost the taxpayers $8.2 billion.
  • Bush has issued at least 151 signing statements challenging 1,149 provisions of laws passed by Congress. Before 2000, presidents had signed fewer than 600 statements in 211 years.
  • Bush has used the state secrets privilege 38 times. It was only used 59 times over the previous 23 years.
  • Americans have submitted 21.4 million requests under the Freedom of Information Act versus 1.9 million just 7 years before.
  • 53 of 57 agencies are backlogged for fulfilling requests. 12 Agencies have requests pending 10 years or more. My understanding is that there is a 20 day deadline for responding.

Now I'm not suggesting that there are untoward happenings here, only respectfully asking the President .... Wuz Up!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Promises, Promises and more Promises

Here are some of the key election promises already made by the four major parties in Ontario.


  • Close all coal-fired power plants by 2014 (promised by 2007 in 2003)
  • No new taxes or tax increases (promised in 2003)
  • No roll back on health-care tax.
  • Increase education funding by $3.1 billion a year by 2011.
  • All-day junior and senior kindergarten classes starting in 2010 (promised in 2003)
  • $300 textbook grants to college and university students.
  • Tax-credits for kids in extra-curricular programs.
  • A $45 million denticare program for low-income families.
  • A $42 million program to help kids with homework.
  • A new statutory holiday in February.
  • Hire 9,000 new nurses.
  • Ban trans fats from all school cafeterias.
  • Ban the cosmetic use of pesticides.


  • Eliminate $2.6 billion Ontario Health Premium.
  • Provide public funding to privately-run, faith-based schools.
  • Increase annual health care spending by $8.5 billion over four years.
  • Hire more family doctors.
  • Increase annual education spending by $2.4 billion over four years.
  • Fix the education funding formula.
  • Find $1.5 billion in spending "efficiencies."
  • A zero-tolerance approach to aboriginal land-claims disputes.
  • A 5% cap on annual property assessments and a review of the current system.
  • Put 100% of provincial gas tax revenues towards roads and transit.
  • Hire an additional 200 provincial police officers and push for manditory minimum sentences for marijuana grow-ops and a stronger Youth Criminal Justice Act.


  • Increase minimum wage by $2 to $10 per hour.
  • Establish Ontario Smiles, a $100 million denticare program for low-income families.
  • Allow northern Ontario to keep proceeds from levies on mining profits, Crown timber and hydroelectric power,
  • Freeze college and university tuition fees at 2003 levels for four years.
  • Cap industrial hydro rates, residential property tax assessments and transit fares.
  • A ban on allowing replacement workers during labour disputes.
  • Eliminate public-private partnerships, or P3s.
  • Funding for municipalities to hire 3,000 new police officers.
  • Reverse $3.6 billion in costs downloaded to municipalities by 2015.


  • Shift taxes "off goods and onto bads" by taxing resources like fossil fuels and unearned income like capital gains, rather than workers and businesses.
  • Shut down coal-fired power plants by 2009; stop building and refurbishing nuclear plants; encourage communities, businesses, individuals and institutions to conserve and produce renewable wind and solar power.
  • Stop funding religious schools, amalgamate Catholic school board into a single public board, cap university tuition at $3,000 a year and college at $1,500 a year.
  • No more private-public partnerships; maintain a publicly funded, publicly delivered health-care system; better home care with minimum wage for caregivers.
  • Decriminalize all drugs, expand safe injection sites for hard drug users, invest in programs for marginalized youth rather than more police officers.
  • Expand Alternative Land Use System to better compensate farmers for environmental protection efforts like water and soil conservation and bird habitat protection.

So these are some of the promises which have been made by the major political parties. I'm sure that the closer we get to election day the more "goodies" will suddenly be found and placed on our tables ... bon appetit!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Just plain Gorey!

Guess who lives here?

  • It's located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville.
  • It's a 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas.
  • Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a seperate guest house all heated by gas.
  • It consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES)
  • The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, this fella devoured nearly 221,000 kWh - more than 20 times the national average.
  • His average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.
  • Since the release of his movie, his energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.
  • Natural gas bills (isn't that a fossil fuel) for his mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.
  • In 2006, he paid in total nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate (not exactly a northern or midwestern "snowbelt state ... for pete's sake its in the South)

What can I say ... it's an Inconvenient Truth for Al and the Tipper!

The Law of the Garbage Truck

I recently had this article by David J. Pollay passed on to me ... thought that you might enjoy it.

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly one can get back their focus on what's important.

Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a New York City taxicab. Here's what happened.

I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling swear words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck."

"Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did."

So this was it: "The Law of the Garbage Truck."

I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at home, on the streets? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore."

I began to see garbage trucks. Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said, "I see Dead People."

Well now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

One of my favorite football players of all time, Walter Payton, did this every day on the football field. He would jump up as quickly as he hit the ground after being tackled.

He never dwelled on a hit. Payton was ready to make the next play his best.
Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting.

Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses.
Leaders and parents know that they have to be fully present, and at their best for the people they care about.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day.

What about you? What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?

Here's my bet. You'll be happier.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some more Ramblings

In 1981 it took $1.42 of additional credit to generate each dollar of additional income in the US, today it takes $4.00 ... oh my!

Bill Gates, ex of Microsoft, Google's Eric Schmidt and Kohl's William Kellog in aggregate sold $63.18 of shares for every $1.00 of shares which they purchased. They did this while telling everybody that the economy was strong and headed even higher. Time to dump my shares in Bell India!

As the U.S. dollar is quickly heading for the crapper, foreigners are scooping up American assets so that they can dump their U.S. dollars which are shrinking in value day by day.
In 2006 foreigners bought $148 billion of U.S. businesses, up 77% from 2005. Germany was the biggest player, buying almost $23 billion of U.S company's. Those boys from the Middle East bellied-up to the bar purchasing almost $13 billion and the Japanese $9 billion. And the Chinese with their contaminated foods and lead paint are on their way.
Imagine the changing face of Corporate America as the dollar drops 35% to 50%.
Gee, I hope my new boss won't be named Sgt. Schultz. That would be a real bad day on black rock.

Kuwait, one of America's supposed staunchest allies has unpegged its currency away from the American dollar. And Petro producers now want to be paid in Euro's. Sadamm Hussein also loved those Euro's untill America liberated Iraq and put oil production back on the U.S. dollar. Just pure coincidence I suppose.

Six years ago 70% of foreign reserves and gold holdings by the Central Banks in foreign countries were in U.S dollars. Today its 64.7% as they continue to sell greenbacks not wanting to lose money.

Robert Murdoch made the statement that this world is run by GOD! Oh, it's not the God who you are thinking of. IN Mr. Murdoch's view GOD is Gold....Oil....and Drugs. Funny you should mention drugs. Afghanistan, you know the country which we are trying to democratize, produces 70% of the worlds opium. You know Iraq ... the other country which we are trying to democratize is now planting huge poppy fields in southern Iraq. Word is that the CIA, MI6 and some powerful families are reaping huge profits already to finance some more of those lovely black-ops soirees. HMMM does Iran contra poppy into your mind?

It's DAY 159 of the Official Wadgit Khan Watch. Has anybody seen or heard anything from the boy. I'm getting a little worried.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Random Ramblings

  • Have you ever noticed that usually a few days prior to JW holding a major press conference or when addressing the nation on all things "terrorist related" another Osama Bin Laden video tape mysteriously appears out of the ether? Didn't that just happen again last week just prior to General Patreus laying out the government's strategy for bringing some of the troops home from Iraq ...something which George W doesn't want. You don't suppose that Osama is paid an appearance fee by George do 'ya?
  • Speaking of JW's address to the nation last week, I watched part of it all the way through.
  • How about those brain surgeons over at Diebold ... you know the company who manufactures those paperless voting machines that can be hacked and these morons have released a photo of their master key on their website that is good enough for anyone to copy. Perhaps Darwin was right!
  • The greatest act of faith is when a man decides that he is not God. Apparently Dick Cheney has not made that leap yet.
  • My Wadgit Khan Watch now stands at 158 days. Has anybody seen hide or hair of him. Well you wouldn't see any hair per say. He gets his toupees made and fitted by my barber. But that's another story. If there's a Wadgit sighting please let me know,
  • To Mayor Miller of Toronto .... it is good to remember that in levying taxes and in shearing sheep, it is well to stop when you get down to the skin.
  • One of the most perplexing questions of our time: where do all the solutions go after a candidate is elected?
  • From what I can see, DUHlton McGuinty is in the business of explaining to others what he personally does not understand while trying to save both sides of his face at the same time.
  • Stephan Dion is the only man I know that knows how to live without an identity.
  • Watching the Democrat and Republican presidential hopefuls on CNN (Cartoon News Network), I have come to the opinion that American political debates are the lowest form of human communication.
  • OJ Simpson is back in the news once again. Obviously he is a proven space cadet. But as we have since learned that in Las Vegas he had his lucid moments and was merely thick as a brick.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oh Oh!

For the past week, Russia's military intelligence services have reported a flurry of activity by US Armed Forces near Iran's borders. They have stated that the US is preparing to invade Iran soon.

Add to the Russian report the fact that the US has been gradually building troop strength in the area (151,000 additional troops and 20,000 mercenaries). Then there's the public "wringing of hands" over Iran's uranium enrichment program, and the quite open talk by some in the halls of Washington (the Democrats and Ms. Pelosi not withstanding) about the "desireability" for a regime change. Let's not forget the fact that the Brits already have troops on the Syrian border with Iran, and also the fact that Israeli Special Forces have been operating in the mountains of Turkey bordering Iran since last year. All of which should give one pause when considering Russia's allegations.

It is my belief that if President Bush and the Axis of Good Guys invade Iran, it will trigger a World War of Muslims against the US, the UK and Europe. The gloves will come off. Look for Persian Gulf oil facilities and tankers to be attacked and destroyed causing oil to jump to $100 - $300 a barrel.

Iran's terrorist network will be loosed and major cities around the world would be attacked ... possibly by mini-nuclear devices (so called suitcase bombs) and bio-chemical weapons ... as would American embassies and corporations around the world.

Iranian troops would most certainly crossover into Iraq to assist Shiite militias in attacking Baghdad. Look for a coalition of Arab states to attack Israel. This will be their "golden opportunity" to achieve their age-old dream and goal of wiping Israel off the face of the map.

And this scenario doesn't even take into consideration Russia's defence pact with Iran which guarantees Russia's involvement and protection of Iran should it be attacked. If Russia's armies set foot on middle east soil, so will the 200 million man Chinese army. China's ravenous appetite for oil demands her involvement.

Should this scenario play itself out, how close would it bring us to the centuries old prophecy of Armaggedon?

Mr. Bush, just this once please don't bring your guns to town!

What are they Thinking?

A 10 year old boy, held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, has finally been found innocent after TWO YEARS of INTERROGATION and TORTURE.

Question ... what is wrong with the American government, who obviously at some level ordered and sanctioned the interrogation and torture of a 10 year old boy?

Bigger question ... why has this not been a major story in American mainstream media?

Even bigger Question ... what has happened to the American people? Why is there no hue and cry? Why are they not holding the wingnuts responsible for this action to account?

Just thought I'd ask.

My Definitive Election Prediction

Speculation about the timing of the next Federal Election still remains the "activity du jour" in Ottawa. On somedays the speculation is more rampant than on others, especially when poll results are released ... but the guessing game continues to bubble away in the cauldron of "informed prognostication."

The concensus from the ink stained wretches, pollsters, bloggers, broadcasters, et al; seems to be that the election will be this spring; unless of course it is moved to this fall; but the Ontario Provincial elections might squeeze it to next spring; which of course may not be possible if Mr. Harper experiences a dip in the poles.

Then of course everything could change in a New York minute if Dionmania were to suddenly sweep Canada; or Duceppe suddenly becomes a Monarchist or Jack Layton crosses the floor to become a member of the Green Party ... but there is one thing which everyone agrees upon, and that is that the election may or may not happen in 2008.

So let me clear up all of this confusion by giving you my definitive election prediction. If you understand the next two facts, then you will also know the election date.

  1. Sheep mate in the fall and they are sheared in the spring.
  2. The year of the next election will have two zeros in it

I'm glad that I was able to clear this up for you.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Put this in your Pipe and Smoke it!

For those of you who still believe in the fairy-tale of bringing "democracy" to the middle east might want to put this in your pipes and smoke it!

The Iraqi government's draft of a new Iraqi oil law puts decisions concerning oil into the hands of a new organization known as the Federal Oil and Gas Council, whose panel of experts come from inside and outside Iraq ... predominately though, composed of big UK and US oil executives ... holy Iraqi oil wealth pillaging Batman!

Production Sharing Agreements (PSA's) is their recommendation for democratic Iraqi privatization and they are designed to produce a paltry 75% profit for the UK and US oil industries ... oh my! In Iraq, 65 of 80 oil fields are about to go up for bid. Would anyone like to make a wager on just who winds up owning them? Could it possibly start with a U and end with a K and an S? I know, I'm just another one of those wild-eyed conspiracy theorists.

Could this be another reason why you will never see the Axis of Good Guys willingly leave the area?

Thought you might like to also know that some of the folks involved in the drafting of this "new law" was the IMF, Paul Wolfowitz and something called US AID. Have to get my intrepid partner Deep Nose looking into this organization. Wonder what he'll find when he turns over the rock?

By the way, this oil costs $1.00 per barrel to extract. How much are we currently paying at the pumps? Ching, ching, bling, bling. Happy motoring Canada!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who has E-mailed me to ask "where have you been hiding?" I can think of hundreds of one-liners but none would be appropriate.

I would also like to thank the hundreds and hundreds of readers who have visited my blog, and especially the high number of return visitors. My stat-counter has been working overtime on some days. That having been said, let me update you.

My silence in the Blogosphere has been directly related to a serious health challenge which my wife Patricia is overcoming. She has suffered from Chron's disease for close to 20 years. Recently she underwent her third major surgery in the past decade and a bit. My three daughters and I are all hoping and praying that this time around she will be able to achieve relief from this very nasty and debilitating disease. She's had a rough go of it. Let's face it, at age 63 major surgery of any kind is not something which you easily bounce back from.

Kudos to Dr. Jason Wong, a brilliant young surgeon and his team. God bless you all!

As Arnold Schwarzenagger (did I spell that correctly?) so non-eloquently states..."I'll be back" even if its ever so slowly.

Thanks once again,

PS: If you should happen to have some loose change (well you should, because the Liberals are not in power) I'm sure that the Chron's and Colitis folks would love to hear from you. Just a thought

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Random Thought

BelinDUH Stronach DUHlton McGuinty The LiberUHls
Stephane DiYAWN
3 out of 4 ain't bad. You have to admit there is a nice symmetry here.
Okay, Okay, Okay .... I have way too much time on my hands.
Good Night Y'all!

Sometimes you Hold your Nose

Ombudsman Andre Marin has stated that "unscrupulous" lottery-ticket retailers in Ontario have collected at least $100 million in fraudulent claims since 1999, under the "watchful eye" (what happened to the other eye) of the OLG which allowed the practice to persist.

Marin said that lottery officials who raised concerns about suspect claims by retailers in 2003 and 2004 - including on $12.5 million prize - were told by Brown: "Sometimes you hold your nose."

Wrong Duncan!!!!! You hold YOUR BROWN NOSE, probably as a result of walking too close behind your masters when they suddenly stopped ..... I'M KICKING BUTT!!!!

Let's go through some of Andre Marin's findings:

  1. There have been at least $100 million in fraudulent claims. - Question: how many of these "unscrupulous" lottery-ticket retailers have been criminally charged? How many have been convicted and are currently serving time with big hairy men who would like to dance the mambo in one of our fine correctional facilities? Let me guess ...none...nada...zilch...WHY?
  2. The OLG is "hopelessly conflicted." - Question: Conflicted about what? To steal or not to steal? Oh the dilema of multiplke choice!
  3. Marin said the OLG ignored allegations of fraud because it was "fixated on profit rather than public service." Question: How many of these "fixated" public service trolls will now be dismissed? Or will Duncan Brown be the only one to walk the plank, because his high profile dismissal might mitigate some of the damage suffered by DUHlton McGuinty and the crew of The Black Pearl? Oh by the way, it didn't happen to be you DUHlton who was the prime fixator was it? Now was it DUHlton...comon, was it?
  4. Customers who complained were rarely taken seriously, said Morin, who called the corporation's customer complaints department "rude and inept" when dealing with them ...not surprising Mes Amis....have you had to deal with the boys at Queens Park lately? Like government - like government agency!
  5. There was too much hanky panky between retailers and the OLG. The question still stands ... how many folks at the OLG have been shown the front door and how many retailers have been criminally charged?

The Cantankerous One has a few additional questions, namely: Why does David Caplan, the minister responsible for the OLG still hold that porfolio? Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power. Caplan was given power and voila ....behold his character.

Why does OLG Chairman Michael Gough still hold his position? He shows all the backbone of a chocolate eclair. In the midst of a scandal, Gough thumps his chest with pride, as he announces that despite the fact that some unscrupulous vendors stole money out of our pockets lottery ticket sales are in fact up. How stupid of me to not understand that sales increases make theft allright.

Gough goes on to say "that's a ...reflection of Ontarian's basic trust in this corporation." As usual Mr. Gough, you have mastered many things, but common sense is not one of them. Where would I go if I wanted to play big-payout lotteries which are not controlled by the government? I guess one does not deal much in facts when one is contemplating saving ones butt.

Let's go back to David Caplan for a moment. Here's the Caplan Clincher. He said that the government and OLG would try to find people who had their legitimate lottery winnings stolen by someone else and pay them the jackpot they were entitled to have. There was no mention of cleaning out the complicit vipers nests within OLG who knew what was going on and looked the other way ... can these people be criminally charged for aiding and abetting the facilitation of a crime? mention of criminally charging all of those retailers involved in theft ... no mention of forcing these thieves to pay restitution ... no mention of pulling OLG kiosks from retailers directly involved with these thefts.

We need to arrange for a quick Cat Scan of Mr. Caplan's cranium to ensure that there is something of substance inside, instead of as it appears now, a resting place for his hair follicles.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, DUHlton McGuinty defended Caplan and accused the opposition parties of playing political games by demanding Caplan's resignation.

Hold the fort Martha...we need to order up another one of them there Cat Scans for that DUHlton fella. OOps forgot. With the health care system being what it is, we'll probably have to wait untill after the next election to get an appointment.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

MEMO: To Lois Brown re: Pain


One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea!

To date, your political "career" seems to have been literally pain free. Hopefully, you will feel a pinch now and then on your way to the shoot-out at the Magna compound come election time.

It sure would be nice for a change. Giddy-up!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth in Newmarket/Aurora

So my wife and I have returned from our all but too brief vacation. The CC Writer (love Mitch Ryder) is relaxed and refreshed, and ready to fire-up my old blogging machine once again with a reinvigorated zeal. It has been said that zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools. I leave it to my peers on the blogosphere to be the final arbitrators as to which category The Cantankerous One falls into.

In the recent Conservative Nomination race in Newmarket/Aurora, Kirk West in my opinion, was the only person who fully understood the full magnitude of the task which lies ahead for any Conservative candidate aspiring to be elected in the riding. The next election will not be as simple as a Conservative candidate trying to unseat Belinduh Stronach, solely based upon ... one year of good Conservative governance ... a fairly reasonable "election budget" ... and a number of other "spread the goodies around" pronouncements. The Liberals have been doing that ad- nauseum for years. We're used to this kind of political schtick. Even the TV ads intended to define Stephane Dion as a person who lacks leadership qualities will not have much traction here.

What the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal's in the Newmarket/Aurora Conservative Party Association (NACPA) and in Lois Brown's Posse (LBP) have failed to do, is to fully understand the facts and implications of the federal voting history in this riding. History, rather than Belinduh is the real challenge. Let's take a quick look at just some of Elections Canada stats;

  • Since 1867 (140 years) Canada has only elected 17 federal Conservative governments.
  • 58% of those Conservative governments were elected before 1930.
  • Since 1930, Canada has only elected 7 Conservative governments in 77 years.
  • Newmarket/Aurora has sent a grand total of 11 Conservatives to Ottawa (much worse than the national average).
  • In 140 years, Conservatives have lost every single by-election in Newmarket/Aurora.

Those are just the facts Ma'm ... just the facts! Nothing to write home about eh, mes Amis!

How about some more facts? The Final National Percentages for the Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Election 2004, were;

  • Tony Clement 9%
  • Stephen Harper 56%
  • Belinduh Stronach 35%

You must admit that Belinduh had a certain amount of cache nationally. Now look at the Point Totals for Newmarket/Aurora;

  • Tony Clement 7%
  • Stephen Harper 37%
  • Belinduh Stronach 57%

It's almost a mirror opposite to the National stats. Whether you like or dislike Belinduh is immaterial because the facts clearly show that she is extremely popular in the riding, and more importantly, Belinduh is significantly more popular than Prime Minister Harper himself ... facts which are totally lost on Lois Brown.

How about some more facts? Belinduh first defeated Lois to secure the Conservative nomination and went on to defeat Liberal Martha Hall Findlay to become one of the only 11 elected Conservatives from Newmarket/Aurora during the past 140 years.

When Belinda crossed the floor and became a Liberal, she defeated Lois once again in 2006, and this time raised the Liberal vote count by 6,047 ... while Lois managed a whopping 558 vote increase ... oh my!

Last but not least, in 2006 in the Central Ontario Region, which consists of 11 ridings and is traditionally a Conservative region, the Conservatives took 10 of the 11 ridings, leaving only ... yes you guessed it folks ... Newmarket/Aurora to Belinduh and the Liberals. A result which I'm sure did not go unnoticed by Mr. Harper! Well maybe it did. During the nomination race Lois claimed to have the ear of the Prime Minister. I'm not sure whether she mentioned as to whether Mr. Harper was wearing ear muffs at the time or not.

Now the same old same old gang that couldn't shoot straight is riding back into town, determined more than ever to win the shoot-out at the Magna compound. The trouble is that the LBP have only 3 bullets in their rusted out chambers. Their first bullet is ... one good year of Conservative governance in a riding which has been a 140 year-old Liberal stronghold. Good thinkin' pardners!

The second bullet is Lois' community involvement. Lois.....Lois quit trying to sign-up more memberships ... pardon me ... no I'm not a member ... Lois, stop grinning and look at me for just one minute. Don't you think that if the folks in your riding gave a flying fadoo about your community involvement that you would have been elected a long time ago? The hard straight goods are that it only matters to the 190 or so who consistently show-up to back you everytime you run for nomination.

With the third bullet Lois claims that she is "taking back the environment for the Conservative Party". What the heck does that mean? Maybe I'm being a little unfair. Lois did in fact display her environmental intuitiveness by "co-operatively" building an environmentally friendly blue box float for the Aurora Christmas Parade, which was towed on a flat bed trailer by a truck spewing emissions into the atmosphere. The woman is totally daft! To characterize the LBP as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals is an insult to Neanderthals!

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that, after the dust settles after the next election, Belinduh will hand Lois her lunch ... once again! This time it will be cooked goose and Lois will be really Browned off!

PS: Isn't there a 3 strikes and you're out policy with the Conservative Party? Stiiiiiiiiiiirike 3 Lois! Thank Heaven for tender mercies.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Memo to: Dianne

On February 21/07 you made the statement that "Frank Klees always endorses Lois."

Blogger Val Zans then challenged you to "show one reference on the web, in print, or anywhere where Frank Klees endorses Lois Brown."

Now I don't want to be pushy, but it's been a while now, but there's still no proof of your claim. If Frank's always endorsing Lois there should be no problem ...should be a veritable plethora of material.

Hold it ... I just went on to Lois''s hers right? My oh my she's added a web page that wasn't there a few days ago. Boy now I'm really confused. There are only 6 supporters...let's M.P. from Barie, looks like 1 aquaintance or neighbour, 1 Newmarket Aurora riding association member...2 high school students and 1 university student. Doesn't seem like an awful for a woman who has been in politics all of these years ...... but NO FRANK KLEES! Mmmmm I guess the internet must be a little slow.

Anonymous Spanks the Cantankerous Conservative!

The Cantankerous one has been taken behind the woodshed and spanked! Here's another one of Lois Brown's supporters. Normally I wouldn't bother with it any more than I already have except.....this person makes mention of the fact that he/she has been going through the Conservative membership lists trying to find out who I am .... is that not illegal? Time to get "Deep Nose" involved.

Could the alleged Alliance candidate nomination vote result cover-up......the alleged irregular use of conservative party membership lists by Ms. Brown to sign members well in advance of nominations being called and now this witch hunt through the membership lists to find out about me be quickly spinning towards more sinister happenings? Could we be looking at LOISGATE? Just asking?

Here's the comments and my responses. Both have already been published on my post "A Comment from Kirk West."

anonymous said........
There is nothing more pathetic than a blogger who is ficticious, who hides his real name, and claims to be an Aurora resident, yet does not appear on any list...voters, PARTY MEMBERSHIP (I bolded this) or telephone directory.
Why do you not come out from the murky shadows? Or do you suffer from the same small-man complex that possessed the pathetic creature that hid behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz?
Or are you the one that actually works for Bellind?

robert otto said....
Yes there is someone more pathetic! Someone who chastizes me for apparently "being fictitious and one who hides his real name" in a comment identifying himself/herself as ANONYMOUS!

By the way, you took the time to check lists, telephone directories, voters list, and am I reading this correctly....MEMBERSHIP LIST. My oh my, how did you ever get a look at the PARTY MEMBERSHIP LIST?

IS THAT YOU LOIS? If not, someone with access to the inner sabctum has been a busy little beaver.

PS: Who's Bellind?

Then robert while in a playful mood made a second comment ....
Oh by the way Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, where in my profile does it claim that I still reside in Aurora?...I guess I must have missed me still living here.

I suppose there may be other sinister reasons for hiding in the murky shadows with my small man complex. Perhaps they may be as pathetic as just making a living. Oh my, I'm off to see the wizard. If comprehending the written english language was your strong suit, you could have saved yourself a lot of effort.

Again I ask, who's Bellind?

An Addendum: After all of the allegations which have been made to date against Lois Brown, and not denied nor challenged by Ms. Brown, and now this post by someone who has direct access to confidential membership information and admits to using that access for what purpose I do not know, other than possibly to try to shut me up or shut me down ... and in my opinion, with Lois' complete knowledge and possible urging...although I could stand to be corrected if proved otherwise ... leads me to say that it's time for Lois Brown to step aside, and the nomination campaign postponed, pending a complete investigation!

Dianne, What am I going to do wth you?

My fellow blogospherians, I just received this comment from Dianne (I've posted it in the comments section). It's so lame that I just had to share it with you!

Dianne said....
"anonymous makes a good point though Mr. Otto. We have no way of knowing who we are actually talking to so you could easily be from the Belindah camp, or you could be Mr. West. I on the other hand am upfront with who I am. Click on my name and email me Mr. Otto and expose yourself otherwise everything on this blog may as well be an urban legend."

The Cantankerous one says.....

  • as Strother Martin said to Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke ..."what we got here is a failure to communicate". I'll go real slow m'am ... I--Am--Robert Otto! Quite frankly it's not my problem if you don't know who I am. Seems as though you folks in the Lois Brown camp have been spending a lot of time trying to find out ...why is that Dianne? Has the Cantankerous one been hitting a little too close to home?
  • what's more important ... that you know where Robert Otto is (that's what you folks really want to know isn't it) or the exchange of opinions?
  • if I'm so off the mark, Lois Brown has had plenty of time to respond to me directly, instead of cowering behind your skirt. Where's Lois...where's Lois...where's Lois (sorry I got carried away with that chant)
  • Is Lois Brown really all that shook up that she can't have a tete-a-tete avec moi?
  • do you have a last name, or is Dianne a nom de plume? Just going back to the comment which you made about identifying yourself.
  • oh my ... an urban legend already after only 7 short blogs. Where will I be after 14?
  • if you had bothered to read any of my archived blogs, instead of getting yourself all worked up about me "exposing myself" you would have actually read some uncomplimentary comments about B.S. (Belinduh). To suggest that I may be actually in Belinduh's camp is a very astute observation on your part.
  • could I be Mr. West? ... don't overestimate the powers of your perception.
  • as far as Emailing you....guess what Dianne...I'm glad you asked. I actually tried to expose myself but you just weren't looking. I clicked your name on one of your Emails on 19Feb2007 20:16:41-000. Your message to me was "Thank-you Robert I do see your point and it would be a good idea to have a debate." "I'll see what I can do about organizing one." "Thank you for your help in this matter."
  • I responded via Email by clicking on your name. My message to you was "That's fabulous Dianne. Looking forward to getting these two together for the benefit of the riding. By the way, I wonder if you would be kind enough to resubmit your last two comments so that I may publish them. My computer was acting up. I've remedied the problem...I fed the mice."

Here's what came back to me on 19Feb2007 20:16:41-000 from Mailer DAEMON.... "Hi, this is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses."

"This is a permamnent error." "" recipient address rejected: Access denied."

Que sera sera