Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some more Ramblings

In 1981 it took $1.42 of additional credit to generate each dollar of additional income in the US, today it takes $4.00 ... oh my!

Bill Gates, ex of Microsoft, Google's Eric Schmidt and Kohl's William Kellog in aggregate sold $63.18 of shares for every $1.00 of shares which they purchased. They did this while telling everybody that the economy was strong and headed even higher. Time to dump my shares in Bell India!

As the U.S. dollar is quickly heading for the crapper, foreigners are scooping up American assets so that they can dump their U.S. dollars which are shrinking in value day by day.
In 2006 foreigners bought $148 billion of U.S. businesses, up 77% from 2005. Germany was the biggest player, buying almost $23 billion of U.S company's. Those boys from the Middle East bellied-up to the bar purchasing almost $13 billion and the Japanese $9 billion. And the Chinese with their contaminated foods and lead paint are on their way.
Imagine the changing face of Corporate America as the dollar drops 35% to 50%.
Gee, I hope my new boss won't be named Sgt. Schultz. That would be a real bad day on black rock.

Kuwait, one of America's supposed staunchest allies has unpegged its currency away from the American dollar. And Petro producers now want to be paid in Euro's. Sadamm Hussein also loved those Euro's untill America liberated Iraq and put oil production back on the U.S. dollar. Just pure coincidence I suppose.

Six years ago 70% of foreign reserves and gold holdings by the Central Banks in foreign countries were in U.S dollars. Today its 64.7% as they continue to sell greenbacks not wanting to lose money.

Robert Murdoch made the statement that this world is run by GOD! Oh, it's not the God who you are thinking of. IN Mr. Murdoch's view GOD is Gold....Oil....and Drugs. Funny you should mention drugs. Afghanistan, you know the country which we are trying to democratize, produces 70% of the worlds opium. You know Iraq ... the other country which we are trying to democratize is now planting huge poppy fields in southern Iraq. Word is that the CIA, MI6 and some powerful families are reaping huge profits already to finance some more of those lovely black-ops soirees. HMMM does Iran contra poppy into your mind?

It's DAY 159 of the Official Wadgit Khan Watch. Has anybody seen or heard anything from the boy. I'm getting a little worried.

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