Saturday, October 20, 2007

What's the Story about the Tories Mr. Tory?

For the first time in a long time the Ontario Provincial election was a non-event.

There were no overiding issues, other than DUHlton's litany of broken promises ... quelle surprise for a politician! There was no public anger and no juicy scandals. The policy platforms for all parties were perfect for those of us who expected very little and thus were not disappointed.

The party Leader's debate convinced me that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.

Where was the feistiness, the dust-ups, the drama, nasty TV ads, Camelot promises, point - counterpoint, rhetoric oozing with righteous indignation. When did we see the party leaders fighting for the hearts and minds of Ontario voters? This election had all of the suspense of an economist attending a cost-accountants convention.

In my opinion, the only thing that this election clearly demonstrated was the truly bad judgement on the part of the Tories. Talk about an election-killer. Which brain trust made the decision to slap the funding of faith-based schools on the table and why? Where the heck did that one come from? Did I miss the electorate caring enough about this one to even make it an election issue?

Then Mr. Tory decided to run in a riding which was risky at best. Once again why and to what purpose?

You would think that Mr. Tory's lengthy experience in the political backrooms and corporate boardrooms would have produced an acumen and judgement more worthy than what was presented.

Now that the Tories are relegated once more to the opposition benches, the door has now been opened, albeit just a crack, to a certain element within the party to begin questioning whether John Tory can ever lead the Tories to the promised land. And John Tory will have to decide whether he is prepared to spend another four years in opposition.

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