Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oh Oh!

For the past week, Russia's military intelligence services have reported a flurry of activity by US Armed Forces near Iran's borders. They have stated that the US is preparing to invade Iran soon.

Add to the Russian report the fact that the US has been gradually building troop strength in the area (151,000 additional troops and 20,000 mercenaries). Then there's the public "wringing of hands" over Iran's uranium enrichment program, and the quite open talk by some in the halls of Washington (the Democrats and Ms. Pelosi not withstanding) about the "desireability" for a regime change. Let's not forget the fact that the Brits already have troops on the Syrian border with Iran, and also the fact that Israeli Special Forces have been operating in the mountains of Turkey bordering Iran since last year. All of which should give one pause when considering Russia's allegations.

It is my belief that if President Bush and the Axis of Good Guys invade Iran, it will trigger a World War of Muslims against the US, the UK and Europe. The gloves will come off. Look for Persian Gulf oil facilities and tankers to be attacked and destroyed causing oil to jump to $100 - $300 a barrel.

Iran's terrorist network will be loosed and major cities around the world would be attacked ... possibly by mini-nuclear devices (so called suitcase bombs) and bio-chemical weapons ... as would American embassies and corporations around the world.

Iranian troops would most certainly crossover into Iraq to assist Shiite militias in attacking Baghdad. Look for a coalition of Arab states to attack Israel. This will be their "golden opportunity" to achieve their age-old dream and goal of wiping Israel off the face of the map.

And this scenario doesn't even take into consideration Russia's defence pact with Iran which guarantees Russia's involvement and protection of Iran should it be attacked. If Russia's armies set foot on middle east soil, so will the 200 million man Chinese army. China's ravenous appetite for oil demands her involvement.

Should this scenario play itself out, how close would it bring us to the centuries old prophecy of Armaggedon?

Mr. Bush, just this once please don't bring your guns to town!

What are they Thinking?

A 10 year old boy, held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, has finally been found innocent after TWO YEARS of INTERROGATION and TORTURE.

Question ... what is wrong with the American government, who obviously at some level ordered and sanctioned the interrogation and torture of a 10 year old boy?

Bigger question ... why has this not been a major story in American mainstream media?

Even bigger Question ... what has happened to the American people? Why is there no hue and cry? Why are they not holding the wingnuts responsible for this action to account?

Just thought I'd ask.

My Definitive Election Prediction

Speculation about the timing of the next Federal Election still remains the "activity du jour" in Ottawa. On somedays the speculation is more rampant than on others, especially when poll results are released ... but the guessing game continues to bubble away in the cauldron of "informed prognostication."

The concensus from the ink stained wretches, pollsters, bloggers, broadcasters, et al; seems to be that the election will be this spring; unless of course it is moved to this fall; but the Ontario Provincial elections might squeeze it to next spring; which of course may not be possible if Mr. Harper experiences a dip in the poles.

Then of course everything could change in a New York minute if Dionmania were to suddenly sweep Canada; or Duceppe suddenly becomes a Monarchist or Jack Layton crosses the floor to become a member of the Green Party ... but there is one thing which everyone agrees upon, and that is that the election may or may not happen in 2008.

So let me clear up all of this confusion by giving you my definitive election prediction. If you understand the next two facts, then you will also know the election date.

  1. Sheep mate in the fall and they are sheared in the spring.
  2. The year of the next election will have two zeros in it

I'm glad that I was able to clear this up for you.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Put this in your Pipe and Smoke it!

For those of you who still believe in the fairy-tale of bringing "democracy" to the middle east might want to put this in your pipes and smoke it!

The Iraqi government's draft of a new Iraqi oil law puts decisions concerning oil into the hands of a new organization known as the Federal Oil and Gas Council, whose panel of experts come from inside and outside Iraq ... predominately though, composed of big UK and US oil executives ... holy Iraqi oil wealth pillaging Batman!

Production Sharing Agreements (PSA's) is their recommendation for democratic Iraqi privatization and they are designed to produce a paltry 75% profit for the UK and US oil industries ... oh my! In Iraq, 65 of 80 oil fields are about to go up for bid. Would anyone like to make a wager on just who winds up owning them? Could it possibly start with a U and end with a K and an S? I know, I'm just another one of those wild-eyed conspiracy theorists.

Could this be another reason why you will never see the Axis of Good Guys willingly leave the area?

Thought you might like to also know that some of the folks involved in the drafting of this "new law" was the IMF, Paul Wolfowitz and something called US AID. Have to get my intrepid partner Deep Nose looking into this organization. Wonder what he'll find when he turns over the rock?

By the way, this oil costs $1.00 per barrel to extract. How much are we currently paying at the pumps? Ching, ching, bling, bling. Happy motoring Canada!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who has E-mailed me to ask "where have you been hiding?" I can think of hundreds of one-liners but none would be appropriate.

I would also like to thank the hundreds and hundreds of readers who have visited my blog, and especially the high number of return visitors. My stat-counter has been working overtime on some days. That having been said, let me update you.

My silence in the Blogosphere has been directly related to a serious health challenge which my wife Patricia is overcoming. She has suffered from Chron's disease for close to 20 years. Recently she underwent her third major surgery in the past decade and a bit. My three daughters and I are all hoping and praying that this time around she will be able to achieve relief from this very nasty and debilitating disease. She's had a rough go of it. Let's face it, at age 63 major surgery of any kind is not something which you easily bounce back from.

Kudos to Dr. Jason Wong, a brilliant young surgeon and his team. God bless you all!

As Arnold Schwarzenagger (did I spell that correctly?) so non-eloquently states..."I'll be back" even if its ever so slowly.

Thanks once again,

PS: If you should happen to have some loose change (well you should, because the Liberals are not in power) I'm sure that the Chron's and Colitis folks would love to hear from you. Just a thought