Gov. Arnold Scharzenegger signed a new "anti-discrimination" bill (SB777) into law.... should have been introduced as bill SB666.
Under the new law schoolchildren as young as kindergarten will be sexually indoctrinated and introduced to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.
The law now bans in school texts and activities any discriminatory bias against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles. It prohibits "instruction" or "activity" that is perceived to "promote a discriminatory bias" against gender, including cross-dressing and sex-change operations as well as sexual orientation.
California textbooks will no longer be able to use words like "mother and father" and "husband and wife" because they suggest that hetrosexuality is the norm ... holy brain-cramp batman, to think how discrimatorily biased I have been all these years to think that all of those hundreds of millions of married men and women raising their children was the norm! Gee thanks Awnold for setting things straight. Sorry, I mean not straight.
Teachers and students who oppose same-sex marriage and suggest homosexuality isn't innate, or disapprove of cross-dressing and sex-change operations, could be disciplined as "harassers."
Also, if a male perceives himself as a female, "he must be granted access to female locker rooms and restrooms. He must be allowed to participate in female sports activities. With this provision of SB777 me thinks a lot of straight guys will suddenly be perceiving themselves as females.
If the student wishes to keep his sexual status from his parents, the teachers and administration must refer to the masculine pronoun (him/he) when talking to his parents and use the feminine pronoun (she/her) at school.
The Capitol Resource Institute opposes this Bill and has filed the SB777 referuendum with the attorney general seeking to bring it before the people of California for a vote.
A board member for the homosexual advocacy group Equality California verbally attacked and threatened CRI for its opposition to the bill. He/she sent an e-mail and video to CRI threatening the group would be buried if it continued efforts opposing the homosexual advocacy.
The Gay-Straight Alliance Network and the Transgender Law Center also warns schools against bringing parents into any discussions pertaining to their children joining the group that matches their "gender identity" the closest.
Darn Martha, there's just too much sun in California. And hey Awnold....when you said "I'll be back" I hope that refers to your imminent return to Austria!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger - who now truly is the Girly Man?
Posted by Robert Otto at 4:11 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: arnold, austria, bill sb777, bisexuality, california, cross dressing, homosexuality, schwarzenegger, sex change, transgender, transsexuality
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Warning letters delivered to Jewish families in Iran.
Captioned: Danger! Danger! Danger! ...... thousands of letters have been sent to Jewish families living in Iran telling them to try and reach the West with all possible speed. The anonymous writers warn that Iranian Jews like the rest of the population face grave danger from impending events.
The letters are unsigned and are postmarked from private addresses in different towns in America and Europe, apparently so as not to raise the suspicions of Iranian security forces.
But some were "discovered and confiscated" causing Tehran now to accuse Israel and "world Zionist governments" of a scare campaign against its Jewish citizens. Hmmmmmm.!
The Signs signaling the Arrival of the Muslim messiah.
The signs that, according to Islamic fundamentalists, will signal the arrival of the Mahdi and the time when "every creature" worldwide will supposedly "bow before Allah" and declare that "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet" are as follows;
- War
- Greater Materialism
- Decrease in knowledge of religious things
- Men outnumbered by women
- Acid Rain
- Increased illegitimacy
- Mothers Ignored
- Rampant Homosexuality
- Increase in Female Singers
- Dancing into the Night
- Taller and taller Buildings
- Women in the Workplace
- Women will look like Men and Men like Women
- Women will not bear Children
- Increased Earthquakes
- Time will seem Shorter
- Smog
- People will prefer Death to Life
Just passing along the info.
Posted by Robert Otto at 12:12 a.m. 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Memo to: John Laschinger, Ontario PC Campaign Manager
Dear Mr. Laschinger,
After managing Mr. Tory's campaign, perhaps it's time to consider retirement to a luxurious condo in Jurassic Park.
Posted by Robert Otto at 3:25 a.m. 0 comments
What's the Story about the Tories Mr. Tory?
For the first time in a long time the Ontario Provincial election was a non-event.
There were no overiding issues, other than DUHlton's litany of broken promises ... quelle surprise for a politician! There was no public anger and no juicy scandals. The policy platforms for all parties were perfect for those of us who expected very little and thus were not disappointed.
The party Leader's debate convinced me that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.
Where was the feistiness, the dust-ups, the drama, nasty TV ads, Camelot promises, point - counterpoint, rhetoric oozing with righteous indignation. When did we see the party leaders fighting for the hearts and minds of Ontario voters? This election had all of the suspense of an economist attending a cost-accountants convention.
In my opinion, the only thing that this election clearly demonstrated was the truly bad judgement on the part of the Tories. Talk about an election-killer. Which brain trust made the decision to slap the funding of faith-based schools on the table and why? Where the heck did that one come from? Did I miss the electorate caring enough about this one to even make it an election issue?
Then Mr. Tory decided to run in a riding which was risky at best. Once again why and to what purpose?
You would think that Mr. Tory's lengthy experience in the political backrooms and corporate boardrooms would have produced an acumen and judgement more worthy than what was presented.
Now that the Tories are relegated once more to the opposition benches, the door has now been opened, albeit just a crack, to a certain element within the party to begin questioning whether John Tory can ever lead the Tories to the promised land. And John Tory will have to decide whether he is prepared to spend another four years in opposition.
Posted by Robert Otto at 2:04 a.m. 0 comments
You can always Bomb your way into Heaven!
The bottom line in the battle between darkness (the Infidels) and light (the Muslim's) centers around the Islamic belief that there MUST BE an APOCALYPTIC event that will usher in the second coming of the Islamic messiah, the Mahdi.
The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to be the guy who ushers in the second coming of the TWELFTH IMAM or MAHDI through nuclear war.
The followers of the twelfth Imam (the Mahdi) are referred to as the "Twelvers" and number over 10 million. The theology being taught by the Twelvers in madrassas in Iran is this;
- If a suicide bomber commits an act of martyrdom, they will feel neither pain nor fear.
- The suicide bomber believes that either he or she will not die. Unlike their fellow countrymen whose souls, when their physical body dies go into the ground to await resurrection, the suicide bombers believe that they go directly into paradise.
- Once in paradise, a crown of glory with the jewel of the wealth of the world is placed on the head of the martyr.
- They believe that they will be given 72 mansions.
- These mansions will be inhabited by 72 black-eyed virgins.
- The martyr is taught that he will be invited to a wedding. I'm not sure as to whether this means that he is marrying the virgins or whether this refers to some other kind of wedding.
- Another teaching is that the shedding of the blood of the martyr will atone for the sins of 70 of their relatives, thus exempting them from hell.
Just a little insight from one infidel to another!
Posted by Robert Otto at 12:43 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: infidel, iran, madrassas, mahdi, muslim, the twelvers, twelfth imam, virgins
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Was A'jad's UN Speech a da'awah?
A da'awah means "summons" or an invitation to non-Muslims to submit to Islam. The da'awah is a Muslim obligation that should be fulfilled before war can be "justly" waged.
In reporting on Ahmadinejad's UN speech, the world press, as is par for the course in my opinion, couldn't see the forset for the trees. Their preoccupation with A'jads not so subtle "Bush Bahing", his vilification of Israel and of America, and A'jad's statement that as far as he was concerned the dispute over his country's nuclear program was "closed" caused the ink-stained wretches to miss what I believe was the most important statement in the whole speech.
It is my opinion, while standing centre stage, in that completely disfunctional and almost irelevant entity known as the UN, Ahmadinejad delivered his da'awah to the world.
Do yourselves a favor. Google his full text speech and take the time to carefully consider his words. I've listed some excerpts which I believe support my position.
Normal official communications by Muslims begin with, "In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful."
Well A'jad did start his UN address in this manner, but now look at the next line is in his speech;
"Oh God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attend to his rightfullness."
Please read my previous blog as to the importance of Imam Al-Mahdi to the Muslim faith and what the trigger must be in order for him to reappear on planet Earth!
Here are additional statements made by A'jad which I believe further support my position;
- "Striving in this way to surrender rule to the righteous and Perfect Human (Imam Mahdi), the Promised One, is indeed the final cure for the wounds of humanity, the solution of all problems, and the establishment of love, beauty, justice and a dignified life all over the world."
- "Without a doubt, the Promised One who is the ultimate Savior, together with Jesus Christ and other holy Saviors, will come. In the company of all believers, justice-seekers and benefactors he will establish a bright future and fill the world with justice and beauty."
- "This is the promise of God; therefore it will be fulfilled."
- "Let's play a part in the fulfillment of all this glory and beauty."
I don't know about you .... but this sounds an awful lot like a da'awah to me!
Posted by Robert Otto at 1:18 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: a'jad, ahmadinejad, allah, americans, da'awah, george bush, god, google, israel, jesus christ, mahdi, muslim, un
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Only Thing That Ahmadinejad Wants is to Change Your World!
He's a zealot ... he wants a truly fundamentalist Shia Islamic regime in Iran ... he believes that Israel is a "disgraceful stain" that must be "wiped off the map" ... and he believes that America is the great Satan whose time has come to either bow to Islam or die!
He claims that when he addresses world leaders that he is bathed in a divine aura that prevents those watching him from turning away, or even blinking. This is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the scariest man on the planet and without a doubt one of the most dangerous ... and all that he really wants to do is to rock your world to the core!
Ahmadinejad wants a war with Israel and America and the more apocalyptic the better. Sound farfetched? Let me make the case.
The Iranian president is a follower of an ultra-orthodox messianic branch of Shia Islam. According to this tradition, the Prophet Mohammed had 12 descendants through his cousin, Ali ibn Talib. The final descendant, Mohammed al-Mahdi, known as the Imam Mahdi, or the hidden Imam, or the Lord of All Ages, was concealed by God and disappeared. He will reappear at a time of apocalyptic chaos and war so as to ascend to his rightful place of leadership, at which time, every individual regardless of their religious belief would bow to Islam or die.
Muslims believe that Jesus Christ will then return to a mosque in Damascus. He will slaughter all pigs, destroy all crosses and embrace Islam as the one true religion.
According to Muslim belief, Jesus and the Imam Mahdi will join forces to fight and destroy the Muslim "Antichrist" or Daijal. Interestingly enough there are those among Islam's adherents who belive that George Bush is the Daijal and Osama bin Laden the Mahdi (Islamic messiah).
Following their victorious battle, Jesus and the Mahdi will cause the world to be under shariah or Islam rule of law and Jesus will tell all Christians that Islam is the one true religion.
After the defeat of the Daijal, the sound of a trumpet will be heard around the world, a series of natural catastrophies will occur and the earth's inhabitants will be slain, only to be resurrected to stand before Allah to be judged.
This is exactly why Ahmadinejad wants nuclear capability. He believes that an apocalyptic nuclear war will bring their Messiah, the Mahdi, "out of hiding" who will then subject all survivors to Allah.
Mahmoud wants to be "the man," the "go-to- guy" who ushers in the Hidden Imam, for he believes this to be his divine mission according to the will of Allah.
By the way, according to some intelligence sources, Ahmadinejad goes off every week or two to commune with the Hidden Imam to get his instructions. Oh my!
Posted by Robert Otto at 11:39 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: ahmadinejad, allah, americans, antichrist, daijal, damascus, islam, israel, jesus christ, mahdi, prophet mohammed, shia
It's Today or Tomorrow!
During a government press conference this past Wednesday, Iranian government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham promised that "supporters of the Zionist regime will receive their response" during the world Quds Day's rallies.
Quds (Jerusalem) Day is held each year on the last Friday of the Islamic month of Ramadan. That day is October 12th and Iran is promising a devastating "final response" to supporters of the Jewish State.
Depending on where in the world you are reading this blog this so called "final response" is promised for today or tomorrow.
Remember that the scuttlebut is that Iran could be attacked as early as this Saturday (October 13th).
Major General Yahya Rahim-Safavi stated on Tuesday that Iran would retaliate should their nuclear facilities be attacked. He was quoted as saying that "the enemy will face strong armed forces especially the Basij (suicide bombers and child soldiers) if it unleashed a military attack on Iran." He claims that the Basij army has 20 million members.
Stay tuned!
Posted by Robert Otto at 11:08 p.m. 0 comments
Attack on Iran could be Imminent!
The French weekly Le Canard Enchaine has reported details of an alleged Israeli-U.S. plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.
According to the report, Russian President Putin has told Tehran that "they're going to bomb you!"
Apparently the attack against Iran's nuclear facilities is planned for October 15, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In a joint U.S. - Israeli operation, Israel would strike the first targets while the U.S. would hit with a second wave of strikes.
This report does appear to tie-in with my blogs; "Why have Russian Nuclear Engineers and Experts suddenly left Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant?" and "There's Kind of a Hush all over the Middle East" where I put forth the London Telegraph's suggestion that the Israeli strike into Syria in September was in part to test the new Russian-made air defense system because Washington was extremely interested in seeing a live-fire demonstration.
Saudi foreign minister, Prince Said al-Faisal has also told reporters in New York that an attack on Iran might be imminent.
It must be noted that the French newspaper article was based on unnamed sources.
Posted by Robert Otto at 2:53 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: israel, le canard enchaine, ramadan, russian president putin, tehran, u.s., washington
A Palestinian Cartoon Prays that Allah will Kill Americans
Julie Stahl the Jerusalem Bureau Chief for (Cybercast News Service) reports that a cartoon published in an official Palestinian Authority newspaper shows a Muslim man calling on Allah to kill Americans.
Apparently the cartoon shows a Muslim man kneeling before a U.S. fighter jet with his prayers enclosed in four missles aimed at the jet.
He prays "Allah scatter them!" "And turn their wives into widows!" "And turn their children into orphans!" "And give us victory over them!"
Perhaps Herbert V. Prochnow, Sr. was right when he said, "the trouble with the world is that there are too many clowns who aren't in the circus."
Posted by Robert Otto at 1:49 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: allah, americans, muslim, palestinian authority
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Why have Russian Nuclear Engineers and Experts suddenly left Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant?
On October 1, the Khorramshar News Agency reported that the entire staff of Russian nuclear engineers and experts employed in building the nuclear reactor at Bushehr suddenly, and without warning, left the facility on September 28 to fly back to Russia.
Could it be that Moscow or Tehran have been tipped-off about an imminent attack by Israel or the US on the plant and so the Russians were taken out of harms way?
Or could it be that Moscow has learned about an imminent Iranian pre-emptive strike against Israel and/or US targets in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region?
At this point these two scenarios are only speculation on my part. But the fact that the entire Russian crew was whisked away so quickly, and without an apparent explanation, from the nuclear facility would strongly suggest that Moscow has assessed a potential danger to its people.
This one bears close watching!
Posted by Robert Otto at 2:23 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: iraq, israel, moscow, nuclear reactor, persian gulf, russia, tehran, us
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Deal or No Deal?
So the Russians are trying to sell $750 million worth of radar equipment to Iran for the protection of its nuclear facilities.
Meanwhile the Iranian's are saying .... "Hold on a moment you Russian infidels. Is this the same system that you foisted on the Syrian's? The one that the Israeli Air Force was able to jam on its way to taking out a Syrian military installation last month?"
So now the Iranian's are suddenly not all that impressed with the technology being offered up by their comrade budskies because they have quickly realized that Israel could strike them through Syrian air space.
They're also not liking the speculation that is now going on amongst many analysts that an American strike might even be led by Israeli forces.
Deal or no deal? Oh my the dilema of multiple choice.
Posted by Robert Otto at 1:48 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Drums of War in the Middle East - No:1
1. The Daily Telegraph in London is reporting that the U.S. Airforce is working with military leaders from Persian Gulf States to train and prepare Arab air forces for a possible war with Iran.
Pentagon officials have helped set-up a warfare center in the United Arab Emirates where Gulf Nations are training their fighter pilots and America has large-scale bases. The center is modeled on the USAF warfare center at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
2. Israel Radio reported that on Monday Iran threatened to attack some 170 American targets in the Middle East and around the world if it's attacked by Israel or the U.S.
3. According to Reuters, Israel confirmed on Tuesday that its airforce carried out a strike inside Syrian territory on Sept 6/07. However Israeli military censors continue to censor all other details.
Diplomats in Damascus say that at least 4 Israeli warplanes crossed deep into Syria during last month's operation.
Syria and Israel are formally at war. Peace talks collapsed in 2000 over the scope of an Israeli pullout from the Golan Heights.
4. The Times of London reported Tuesday that Russia has sent technicians to upgrade Syria's air defense system after Israeli electronic warfare systems allowed Israeli warplanes to attack a target in Syria last month.
5. According to foreign media reports, the Israeli airstrike apparently targeted a North Korea-built nuclear facility in northeastern Syria. Syria and North Korea have both vehemently denied any nuclear co-operation.
Posted by Robert Otto at 3:47 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: daily telegraph, iran's nuclear capability, israeli air strike in syria, north korea, pentagon, persian gulf states, russia, us airforce
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Mahoud; they're Ramping-up for War ... but then that's what You Want ...isn't it?
A senior Bush administration official told Fox news that "everyone in town" was discussing the costs and benefits of a military assault on Iran within the next 8 to 10 months.
Fox also reported that one foreign diplomat has stated that the Bush Administration "has just about had it with Iran."
It has also been reported that U.S. officials believe that finding a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear ambitions has failed and they have advised Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that a military intervention of some sort is necessary.
China is obstructing the diplomatic process at the UN Security Council and the Russian Bear is dancing right along, albeit in the shadow of the Chinese ... oh my, what a great surprise!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will no longer support further sanctions against Iran by the United Nations Security Council. But apparently Germany would "privately welcome while publicly protesting" a U.S. bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities ... a gutless, two-faced move on the part of "za Fahderland."
Meanwhile the Pentagon has formulated a plan for a "three-day blitz" to annihilate the entire Iranian military, targeting 1,200 sites using rapid and overwhelming force.
In late August, President Bush stepped-up his rhetoric saying that Tehran had put the Middle East "under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust."
In my opinion this is exactly what Mahoud Ahmadinejad wants! I'll tell you why in an upcoming blog. Look for ... "All that Ahmadinejad wants is to Change the World!"
Posted by Robert Otto at 1:45 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: angela merkel, china, condoleezza rice, george bush, germany, iran's nuclear capability, mahoud ahmadinejad, russia