Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oh Oh!

For the past week, Russia's military intelligence services have reported a flurry of activity by US Armed Forces near Iran's borders. They have stated that the US is preparing to invade Iran soon.

Add to the Russian report the fact that the US has been gradually building troop strength in the area (151,000 additional troops and 20,000 mercenaries). Then there's the public "wringing of hands" over Iran's uranium enrichment program, and the quite open talk by some in the halls of Washington (the Democrats and Ms. Pelosi not withstanding) about the "desireability" for a regime change. Let's not forget the fact that the Brits already have troops on the Syrian border with Iran, and also the fact that Israeli Special Forces have been operating in the mountains of Turkey bordering Iran since last year. All of which should give one pause when considering Russia's allegations.

It is my belief that if President Bush and the Axis of Good Guys invade Iran, it will trigger a World War of Muslims against the US, the UK and Europe. The gloves will come off. Look for Persian Gulf oil facilities and tankers to be attacked and destroyed causing oil to jump to $100 - $300 a barrel.

Iran's terrorist network will be loosed and major cities around the world would be attacked ... possibly by mini-nuclear devices (so called suitcase bombs) and bio-chemical weapons ... as would American embassies and corporations around the world.

Iranian troops would most certainly crossover into Iraq to assist Shiite militias in attacking Baghdad. Look for a coalition of Arab states to attack Israel. This will be their "golden opportunity" to achieve their age-old dream and goal of wiping Israel off the face of the map.

And this scenario doesn't even take into consideration Russia's defence pact with Iran which guarantees Russia's involvement and protection of Iran should it be attacked. If Russia's armies set foot on middle east soil, so will the 200 million man Chinese army. China's ravenous appetite for oil demands her involvement.

Should this scenario play itself out, how close would it bring us to the centuries old prophecy of Armaggedon?

Mr. Bush, just this once please don't bring your guns to town!


Anonymous said...

On other matters, what did you think about Kirk West being voted off the board of the local Conservative EDA. I was shocked.

Robert Otto said...

No it doesn't surprise me at all Diane. As a matter of fact it was predictably consistent.
Cyril Connoly once said; Those whom the god's wish to destroy they first call promising.

Robert Otto said...

Thank-you Sgt. Baker for your well thought-out and insightful comments.
You're absolutely correct in saying that God has given man the gift of free will and by extension free choice.
Yes man is a Choicemaker! It is most unfortunate that man's choice will ultimately lead him to the valley of the great decision and Armaggedon.