Saturday, January 19, 2008

Big Brother is Chillin' in California!

Here we go again! The government is looking to get in your face once again.

Those sun-soaked stooges in California are looking to mandate that every new heating and cooling system include a "non-removable" FM receiver.

Why? So these nutbars can remotely adjust home temperatures up or down 4 degrees whenever California's public and private utility companies deem it necessary.

The Programmable Communication Thermostat (PCT) gives the power companies complete control over home temps while denying people the right to override settings during "emergency events."

What constitutes an emergency event? Who the hell knows because nowhere in their proposal is this specified. Holy loss of a few more rights Batman!

The PCT is also capable of controlling other appliances such as electric water heaters, refrigerators, pool pumps, YOUR HOME COMPUTER ....hmmmmm, and your lights in response to signals from tweedle dumb and tweedle dee at the utility companies.

Well how's this for a signal. If this proposal ever sees the light of day, here's a few things which you might consider;

  • buy your heating and cooling systems from out-of-state. They don't have built in FM receivers.
  • set-up an inexpensive FM transmitter that will block radio reception.
  • install window air conditioning units and space heaters.

It's time for Big Brother to get out of Dodge! Yipeekaiayyyy m__________!

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