Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wake-up America!! What is Wrong with this Picture?

Over 3 million Americans have lost manufacturing jobs since George W. Bush became President.

Corporations are using H1B visas to train foreigners in the U.S., then send them home to train others so more American jobs can be outsourced.

CISCO Systems will have 20% of its talent in India within 5 years.

Accenture will have more employees in India than in the U.S. by the end of this year.

IBM reduced its American workforce by 31,000 while increasing its Indian staff by 52,000.

CitiGroup, which already has 22,000 employees in India, plans to eliminate 26,000 jobs in the U.S. and increase its Asian workforce by another 10,000 where the paycheques are a lot less.

Free trade proponent Professor Alan Binder now acknowledges that 30-40 million American jobs could be at risk from free trade, mostly from outsourcing.

A substantial amount of lower-skilled jobs have already gone to Communist China, which is using this great increase in wealth to substantially grow its military, weapons production, the military utilization of space and cyber-war. Bless all of those bottom-line, shareholder-sucking corporate psychopaths in suits and the dunces of doom in Washington.

China is currently sitting on $1.33 trillion of foreign reserves, and if it decided to liquidate those and switch to the Euro as its reserve currency, the dollar would crash hard, sending the U.S., at the very least, into a very deep recession if not a full-blown depression

In a September 17, 2007 Associated Press article, former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said that "it is possible that the Euro could replace the dollar as the reserve currency of choice."

When our so-called world political and coroporate leaders are stopped from screwing-up our planet and putting our lives in harms way, by the billions of citizens throughout this world having finally and collectively developed "the stones" to draw a line in the sand to say that "enough is enough", it is then that I will accept Darwin's theory of evolution.

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