Tuesday, February 27, 2007

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Newmarket/Aurora

God bless Canada! For in my country which I love so much, a cantankerous old curmudgeon like myself has the freedom and the opportunity to express my opinions without trepidation and without the fear that on some dark, moonless night, men with sinister purpose will knock on my door and whisk me off to a remote Gulag for expressing those views.

I do not take this privelage and freedom lightly .... for literally generations of men and women, both young and old, have died never seeing their own dreams fulfilled so that I could fulfill mine. They died so that I may live in a country which is special among the nations of the world!

And because Canada is special, it does not merely require, but rather demands our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds; to believe that together; with the providence of God, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.

Upon each and every one depends the fortunes of Canada. It is you who are to decide the important questions upon which rests the happiness and the liberty of millions yet unborn.

I implore each and everyone in the riding of Newmarket/Aurora to act worthy of yourselves and to actively participate in the Conservative Candidate Nomination meeting ... Monday, March 5, 2007 ... at Sir William Mulock Secondary School at 7:00pm.

Listen with understanding to Lois Brown and to Kirk West. Question with integrity and with the abscence of malice. Make your decision with wisdom for Canada ... so that Canada will be greater for you having been there and participated.

Robert Otto

My Last Lois Brown Post

I'm extremely surprised that 7 little blogs could create such a fuss.

When I first began blogging about Lois Brown it was because, as a former resident of Aurora, It had become tedious seeing her run for various nominations. It came as no surprise when she lost twice to Belinduh. My opinion then, as it is now, is that although she is community active, that does not necessarily translate into votes. In my opinion, Lois has no ideas or solutions to offer. Rather she will repeat the mantras and policies of the party with which she is affiliated. That's not good enough. I have never heard her take a stand on anything or express an opinion on anything. That's not good enough. And quite frankly having Lois running for nomination everytime an election is around the corner, always supported by the same core of individuals and always in the abscence of other credible candidates had become tedious.

Here's a newsflash to the Lois Brown camp. If the majority of residents of Newmarket/Aurora had wanted you as their M.P you would have been elected a long time ago! Believe me, it's time to give up the ghost.

So why have I become involved considering that I longer reside in this riding, after having retired twice? I guess you could say abscence sometimes makes the heart grow fonder. But that wouldn't be quite true. Understand why I gave myself the Cantankerous Conservative moniker. I turned my back on politics over a decade ago. I do not belong to the Conservative party nor to any party for that matter. I belong to me. The Conservative in my moniker refers to my values and I wouldn't give the time of day to at least half the bufoons who have run our Country, our Provinces and cities. I must admit that I like how Prime Minister Harper has governed our country and I hope that the aphrodisia of a Prime Ministership doesn't cause him to shot himself in the foot as it has done to a bevy of preceding Prime Ministers.

I became involved once again, when quite by accident, I stumled across Kirk West's Not the Same Old Same Old website. As I watched and listened to this young man speak, with wisdom beyond his years, the passion which I once felt for the possibilities for Canada was ignited again.

My first blog "Memo to: Lois Brown" was very much tongue-in-cheek. It garnered an eloquent defense from her friend Dianne which I much appreciated.

My second blog "Google Kirk West and Lois Brown" received 29 comments ... WOW! There were diverse opinions and some very unexpected comments. Once again Lois' friend Dianne posted a comment of worth. Her mention of Frank Klees "always endorsing Lois" prompted a response from Val Zans challenging Dianne to "show one reference on the web, in print, or anywhere" of Frank Klees' endorsement. As of this morning no reference has been posted. A comment posted by anonymous stated that he or she did not believe that Frank Klees was supporting anyone in the nomination race. Another anonymous post stated that Frank Klees had fired Lois Brown.

Dianne also asked about Kirk losing an Alliance Party nomination to Lois Brown. Once again Val Zans posted a comment that was absolutely stunning. Val Zans accused Lois Brown and the former Alliance riding association of extremely serious wrong doings in the actual voting process leading to the question by Val Zans as to whether Kirk had actually in fact lost the vote ... for the results of that vote have never ever been made public. Blogger hucksbud corroborated every single accusation made by Val Zans. I want you all to realize the significance of two seperate people having the guts to identify themselves instead of hiding behind an anonymous post. They're basically saying to Lois and the riding association .... bring it on if you dispute our allegations. To date Lois has been completely silent.

Another comment made to that same post, this time by anonymous, was made with yet further serious accusations relating to to the manner in which Lois Brown was apparently given preferential access to the membership list, many months before Kirk was given access to that same list with the supposed purpose being the re-signing of lapsed memberships. The accusation being that Lois was given a sizeable head start on signing members for her own nomination campaign. Once again Lois has been silent on this accusation.

Kirk West then posted a comment stating that he did not want animosity and that since we are all conservatives we should focus on the task at hand and not point fingers.

What surprises me is that, in light of some very serious accusations leveled against Lois Brown, by at least 3 different people ...Lois Brown has not responded ... but Kirk West has... in a very classy way. To me that alone speaks volumes about each candidate's character.

Only Dianne, and one anonymous post suggesting that I suffer from some sort of "small man complex" have come to Lois' defense. Dianne by her actions has clearly demonstrated that she is not only a good friend to Lois but a woman of true character and integrity. I take my hat off to you Dianne!!!!!

To the rest of you supposed friends and supporters of Lois... I say SHAME ON YOU for not standing up and being counted!

The banner on my blog states that "Whenever one has anything unpleasant to say one should always be candid." That's what I have tried to do and that is what I will continue to do!

I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my blogs. I am leaving later in the week for a vacation with my wife. Feel free to comment, I'll have my laptop with me and I understand that even the Europeans have access to the web.

Regardless of whether Kirk or Lois win the candidacy, the Cantankerous Conservative will be back big time ... because it's time for Belinduh to go kicking and screaming into that still night and quickly become a quick and distant memory.

Good Morning Y'all

Memo to Belinduh: Like your new hair color.... but don't you know that gentlemen prefer blondes? OOPs forgot ....you're with Tie!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Comment from Kirk West

I have received a comment from Kirk West and it's been published on my "Google Kirk West and Lois Brown" post. Here's a reprint for your convenience.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please accept my deepest thanks for your support and words of encouragement. Believe me, they are appreciated.

Whatever happened in the past is in the past. The process that happened with the Alliance Party is not going to happen this time. I had a conversation many months ago with our riding president Mr. Stephen Sommerville and he assured me that this won't happen again.

I also know that the nomination committee chair Al Wilson will follow the rules to the letter. Of this I have no doubt, and I'm confident the nomination will follow the principles and values consistent with a fair and democratic process.

I also do not want to alienate anyone or create any ill will whatsoever during or after this nomination. Should Lois Brown win it is my hope that I will be welcome to assist her in the next election campaign.

Let's not forget that Lois Brown has a tremendous amount of support and I am still considered an outsider, an upstart, if you will.

I have said from the very beginning that my candidacy is not so I can oppose Lois Brown, it is so that I can bring my own talents, enthusiasm, and ideals to our democracy and offer them to the people of Newmarket Aurora.

While I'm glad these facts have come out and are available to the public at large, I do not want any animosity. We are all conservatives here!

Kirk West

Is Belinduh executing a Trojan Horse Strategy?

I've just learned from a usually reliable source, close to all things Liberal, that Belinduh has already locked up her campaign strategy expecting a Lois Brown victory. That in fact, there is even postulation that Belinduh may have had her people join the Conservatives so that they could vote for Lois.

Didn't Belinduh allegedly stack the vote once before during her Conservative nomination against Lois? Did Lois not lodge a complaint with Elections Canada? So this bit of news is not out of the realm of possibility.

Apparently Belinduh already knows about Kirk as well. Interesting that she would like to see a Lois Brown victory! Belinduh already has a successful track record against her and has no reason to feel threatened by Lois' candidacy. On the other hand, Kirk is an unknown commodity who has the potential to rain all over Belinduhs anticipated coronation.

On his website Kirk asked a very important question. Allow me to paraphrase it. Why is it that Beliduh could cross the floor in the midst of one of the biggest scandals which this country has ever seen, join the Liberal party and then not only win the riding, but raise the Liberal vote by over 6,000 while Lois was only able to manage to raise the Conservative vote by a little over 500? Belinduh is confident because she knows that all she will get from Lois is the Same Old and she has beaten that twice. I'm not so sure that she would know what to do with NOT THE SAME OLD SAME OLD!

Although it is obvious that I support Kirk West's candidacy over Lois Brown's, I am nevertheless a Conservative, albeit a Cantankerous one. When I hear about the possibility of Belinduh hitting below the belt ( a couple of kockey players know all about that) my blood begins to boil. So I'm asking if anyone out there knows or has more information in this regard. Lois Brown deserves to know!!!!

One thing that I know for sure .... if Belinduh butts heads with Kirk she'll lose her crown and be fit to be TIEd!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

One of Lois Brown's purported Supporters is 3 Fries Short of a Happy Meal!

On Feb 16/07, I posted a comment on www.kirkwest.blogspot.com in response to a series of posts by someone who purportedly is a Lois Brown supporter. Lois and at least one of her supporters (if that's what he or she really is) sure do make strange bedfellows! Thought you might enjoy it.

Anonymous said.....
"Let's try to avoid slinging a bit of mud in the nomination campaign, shall we.
posted to Kirk's Blog 2/13/2007 "Our little Mosque in Newmarket."

Robert Otto said......
Anonymous said ... let's try to avoid slinging a bit of mud in the nomination race, shall we?"

Curious, I have read all of Kirk's Blogs pertaining to Lois Brown's ONCE AGAIN Conservative nomination bid for Newmarket/Aurora (it's becoming as predictable as ground hog day) ... and I can't seem to find any mud which has been flung. Perhaps you could show us a scoop or two so that we would know what it looks like.

As a matter of fact, the only mud which I find is caked to your own slingshot. Here are excerpts from your recent comment posts to Kirk's Blog;

  1. "Lois Brown failed to bring her spine with her last night, and consequently lost a lot of repect from her core supporters." posted 2/11/2007
  2. "Lois is quite a force to be reckoned with, at least among Conservatives." posted 2/12/2007
  3. "I can agree with most of her views, but she succumbs to political correctness and tries to steer clear of controversy. Unfortunately this behaviour would probably make her a very ineffective M.P. posted 2/12/2007
  4. "People are tired of career politicians. They want someone with character that will stand up when it's time to take a stand. For now the best choice is still Lois. posted 2/12/2007

So let me understand you ... Lois has lost her spine before ... which cost her a lot of respect ... but she's still a force to be reckoned with among Conservatives ... although she succumbs to political correctness and tries to steer clear of controversy ... which will probably make her an ineffective M.P. ... but since people want someone with character that will stand-up when it's time to take a stand ... Lois, despite having no spine, a focus on political correctness and wanting to avoid controversy, for now is the best choice. Did I get that right?

Anonymous ... with looney Liberal logic like that .... are you in fact Belinduh Stronach?

Addendum: Anonymous may not be a supporter at all!

Has Lois Brown Stepped Into It Again?

Here we go again with another one. Another allegation was posted by Anonymous to my Kirk West vs Lois Brown blog alleging impropriety by Lois Brown and the Newmarket/Aurora Conservative Riding Association.

The "nub" of the post was that Lois Brown was given preferential access to the riding's membership list, as far back as last year, under the guise of renewing lapsed memberships. At the time the membership list was given to Lois, the riding association knew full well that Lois was going to be seeking the Conservative nomination ..... AGAIN.....for the association is overwhelmingly composed of Lois Brown supporters and sympathizers.

Did Lois use this list to an unfair advantage? Did she use it to get a head-start on Kirk in signing-up memberships? We'll never know ... but an audit by the Conservative Party would!

Kirk West, on the other hand, was never offered the same opportunity as Lois to resign "lapsed members." .... this was a privelage seemingly bestowed exclusively upon Lois Brown who was known by all to be running again .... oh no, I'm starting to get visions of an Alliance Party nomination vote all those many years ago.

Kirk received his copy of the membership list a scant 2 weeks ago ... let me repeat that ...a scant TWO WEEKS ago. WHY?

Listen folks, I really don't want to belabour this point. Here's all that I really want to know.

Arise Blogosphere and let the truth be known to all !!!!

The S_ _ t just Hit the Fan in Newmarket/Aurora!

It all started when I received a comment from Diane, who identified herself as a friend and neighbour of Lois Brown, asking whether it was true that Kirk West had contested and then lost the former Alliance Party nomination race for Newmarket/Aurora to Lois Brown.

Fair question. But because I was unaware that such a race had taken place, my response was that I did not know but I would find out.

Subsequently I received a rather lengthy comment from a person who identified themselves as Val Zans claiming to have been in attedance at that nomination meeting and vote, and then went on to list a litany of stunning and very disturbing allegations. There were 12 in all, but I will list just a few. If you are interested in reading the original comment you will find it in the Kirk West vs Lois Brown blog.

Here are the pertinent points;

  1. Lois greeted delegates at the front door and told them that they could vote before the candidates made their presentations and that they did not have to stay.
  2. Some of the former executive of the Alliance riding association were in the foyer and were witness to Lois' actions yet took no action to stop her.
  3. After the votes were tabulated and Lois Brown declared the winner, the actual VOTE COUNT WAS NEVER MADE PUBLIC. It wasn't announced that night ...it wasn't announced at a later date ... it was never published.
  4. Up until today, whenever Kirk has asked those who were privy to the election results ...what those final counts were ... HE HAS NEVER BEEN GIVEN AN ANSWER!

Subsequently I received a comment from Hucksbud confirming every single allegation made by Val Zans. You can also read Hucksbud's comment on my Kirk West vs Lois Brown blog.

Val Zans went on to finish his comments in this way. "Isn't it interesting that in 2006 when Lois wanted to take another run at Belinda Stronach, she made a phone call to Kirk asking him not to contest the nomination". "Obviously she was worried about the possibility of running. Could it be that Kirk had already beaten her once those many years ago?"

"I think that you should know that Kirk showed absolute class in honouring Lois' request and went to join her team in an effort to defeat Belinda."

"As I watch with interest as Lois and Kirk are contestants once again, it is remarkable how far Kirk has come in such a short period of time." "He most certanly is NOT THE SAME OLD SAME OLD ... Lois Brown STILL IS!" And because she still is, I ask the Conservative Party put in place vote-count safeguards and make the RESULTS OF THIS NOMINATION VOTE TRANSPARENT so that there is not even a hint of impropriety."

Val Zans

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Google Kirk West and Lois Brown

On March 5, 2007 either Kirk West or Lois Brown will be selected as the Conservative candidate for the federal riding of Newmarket/Aurora. If you Google both candidates, here are the hits which you will find in the first 25 pages.

  1. www.loisbrown.ca - her official campaign website. It's static, non-interactive. Lois basically talks about herself for almost 8 web pages.
  2. Lois Brown Bio - Wikipedia
  3. Lois Brown Bio - www.conservative.ca (Conservative Party website)
  4. Lois Brown Bio - www.ctv.ca
  5. Lois Brown's 2004 Conservative nomination defeat to Belinda Stronach - www.canadawebpages.ca
  6. Lois Brown's defeat to Belinda Stronach in the 2006/01/23 General Election - www.webinfo.parl.gc.ca

Not the most sparkling of political CV's. Lois Brown has been vigorously seeking election since 2003, and during these past 4 years, Google does not show a single speech, a single opinion piece, not one single blog, media interview, nor comments on issues of any kind attributable to Lois. Nor does it show other pundits, bloggers or journalists writing about Lois.


  1. www.kirkwest.ca official campaign website - totally interactive with streaming videos and podcasts. Kirk talks about the issues, his 3 commitments to the people of Newmarket/Aurora and introduces his Personal Pledge of Accountability - this is a political first, not to be found in any other political system anywhere else in the world. It's quite a ground-breaking and dynamic concept from this very creative and remarkable young man from Newmarket. If every single candidate were mandated to offer their own personal pledge, it would radically change the face of Canadian politics forever.
  2. www.kirksblog.blogspot.com - approximately 60 insightful blogs on the issues of the day over a 7 month period.
  3. www.torontotories.blogspot.com - featuring and reprinting of an excerpt from Kirk's blog rebutting Darien Baxter, with a RECOMMENDED READ from this blog.
  4. www.kirkwest.ca - details of Conservative candidate nomination meeting.
  5. Kirks Blog - debates Dion's leadership.
  6. www.wikio.com - RECOMMENDS READING of one of Kirk's blog's.
  7. www.freedominion.ca - Kirk's blog is listed as "Blogs FDers Like.

It's time to throw out all of the mumbo-jumbo, smoke and mirrors along with all of the trite Lois Brown political speak. Google clearly and impartially illustrates some of the substantial differences between the Same Old Lois, and the Not the Same Old Same Old Kirk West.

I hope that this time around, the Conservatives of Newmarket/Aurora, who have traditionally not become involved in the process, for a myriad of reasons, will take the time to attend the Nomination meeting on March 5/07 to listen very carefully to what Kirk has to say.

I would also encourage those who may have decided to support Lois solely on the basis of her community involvement to give pause, and to listen with understanding to the tremendous potential that Kirk can bring to the quality of their lives.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Memo to: Lois Brown

Dear Lois,

My grandfather once told me; "Son you are what you think, and not what you think you are!"

Your new website is a wonderful illustration of his advice to me so many years ago. Seems that you think a lot about yourself .... almost 8 web pages worth.

Oh by the way, don't forget to attend the Strawberry and Cream Social on February 25 at Del's Chicken Shack, home of the world famous $2.99 Big Chick Dinner Pack!


If you are interested in learning more about someone who really cares about representing the people of Newmarket/Aurora with the respect which they deserve visit; www.kirkwest.ca
This young man, who is also seeking the Conservative nomination, is as innovative as they come and is light years ahead of you, and I would say, most others already elected and serving in Ottawa.

His campaign slogan of Not The Same Old Same Old is not only brilliant but right on the mark!!! Check out his streaming videos, podcasts and blog. But then again I know that you already have. Deep Nose, my mole within the riding association tells me that you are more than a little nervous. Oh my!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Surprise ... Lois Brown is Running Again!

You know that the Conservatives are having another nomination race in Newmarket /Aurora
because Lois Brown is a nomination candidate again. In the words of the inimitable Wicked Mr. Wilson Pickett ..."Good God Y'all!"

Now I don't know Ms. Brown personally. I've never taken the opportunity to meet her. My only knowledge of her is that of her consistent losing track record to Belinduh and seeing her at the odd event which I would attend. It's quite interesting to watch her dash around shaking hands, grinning from ear to ear while asking for the support of anyone and everyone whom she meets. It's not unlike watching a feeding frenzy. But that doesn't bother me, for this has been the way of many other politicians ... I simply find it amusing to observe.

Over the years I have come to believe that Ms. Browns political philosophy is a route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. And so she has managed to gradually worm her way out of my confidence.

That opinion has now been further reinforced when I visited her new website at www.loisbrown.ca If you navigate to her On The Issues page Ms. Brown states; "I am launching this page with answers to the two questions I am asked most often;
(1) What, if anything has changed since the last election to help us win a Conservative seat for Newmarket-Aurora?
(2) What have you been doing since the 2006 election?"

Now let me understand this! While according to every major poll, the top issues which Canadians are talking about,as of February 2007 are; the Environment, Health Care and the Afghanistan mission, Ms. Brown would have us believe that in the riding of Newmarket Aurora, the two most often asked questions are the two appearing on her official nomination website? Smells an awful lot like something coming out of the south end of a donkey which is facing north.